Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Interregnum explained

So, Networkers, some of you have found the time between election day and the swearing in of the Gillard Government wearying and mind-testing.  Never no mind.  Nicholas Baum helps out by explaining the interregnum, in fact the first in history we know about, over at the Notion Factory.  Please, go see.


  1. Hi omits the Conclave process used by the Roman Church to select the successor to the Holy See.
    Or the option of poisoning the new guy if he appears in any way to threaten vested interests (CF Pope John Paul I )

  2. Oh, Denis, you have picked some doozy examples. Would you care to guest post on these. I would suggest you call it "Interregnums I have known" but then again while you were around for the second instance you were not around for the implementation of the first.

  3. A postscript. Better get the Latin right "Interregna I have known". (smile)

  4. I also missed Cromwell. Scribbled this one out on the train, not realising it would be re-posted! But thanks for sharing, Miss Eagle, and for your contribution Denis!

  5. Thx for visiting, Nicholas. I thought your post a valuable contribution. This election takes the cake for absolute drivel and nonsensical questions from the lower orders of the Fourth Estate and general ignorance of the Australian Body Politic. I think your post, brief though it may be, is a contribution to political knowledge. I does me bit ya see to inform! I'll keep watching in case you have a longer train journey and do a more extensive discourse on the topic.


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