Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Tree of Life Project : an all inclusive, end-of-year Ballarat event - please join in

The purpose of this flyer is to introduce people to the Tree of Life Project.
Christmas is a time of celebration, community, and inclusion – but not everyone is included or feels they can be included.  The Ballarat Interfaith Network (B.I.N.) thinks it is time for our multicultural, multi-faith society to consider an all inclusive community wide end-of-year celebration – an enterprise which could include people of all faiths and those who hold no faith at all.  To this end, B.I.N. is planning The Tree of Life Project.
The Tree of Life is an ancient symbol and metaphor.  It is found in many faiths, belief systems, and philosophies.  Charles Darwin in his work on the origin of life used a form of the Tree of Life.  When Darwin’s 150th anniversary was marked a few years ago, the world’s scientists established The Tree of Life Web Project – an online scientific project which can still be seen on the internet.
B.I.N. is proposing the dates for the ToL Project to be 15th - 23rd November.
Current plans are for community events around art, poetry & literature, music, environment, and science.  In these events, we hope that inclusion and community will be the keys and that faith & belief systems, philosophies and viewpoints will be able to rub shoulders with equanimity.
B.I.N. is happy to welcome people to its ToL Planning Committee.  It is also happy to receive suggestions and ideas as well as offers of assistance – financial, physical presence, in kind or whatever.  To be in touch with The Tree of Life Project, please be in touch with
Margaret Lenan Ellis
B.I.N. Public Relations Officer

Brigid O’Carroll Walsh
B.I.N. Secretary
Mobile:  0439 425 751

Thanks are due to Liz Widdop for the artwork of the tree
and her support for The Tree of Life Project.

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