Thursday, 19 September 2013

Legal frameworks for the rights of nature : using the law to protect the environment

Image of Ninety Mile Beach Victoria, Western end

EDO Seminar Series

Legal frameworks for the rights of nature

Tuesday 1 October 2013, 5.45-7.30pm

The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund is working with communities in the United States and in countries around the world on grassroots organising, public education and outreach, research, and legislative drafting - assisting people, NGOs, elected representatives, and government officials to craft and adopt new laws that change the status of natural communities and ecosystems from being regarded as property under the law to being recognised as rights-bearing entities.

Through this work, the Legal Defense Fund has assisted more than three dozen communities in the U.S., and assisted the Constituent Assembly of Ecuador, to put in place a new paradigm to protect nature - a paradigm based on rights.

Come along and hear more about CELDF's work and join the discussion about how these ideas might be developed here.

  • Thomas Linzey, Director CELDF
  • Mari Margil, Associate Director CELDF

Book online now

This is a free event although donations are always welcome. Registration essential.

Date:  Tuesday 1 October 2013, 5.45 for 6pm start
Location:  Ground floor meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

In conjunction with Australian Earth Laws Alliance

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