Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Australia doesn’t have a spending problem, it has a revenue problem. Over 30% of corporations based in Australia in the last financial year paid NO TAX, while the majority of those that paid tax paid less than 5% tax. 

It is obvious to everyone, except our Federal politicians, that Australia has a revenue problem. While on a daily basis the corporate owned media carries on about welfare fraud and the burden carried by the community because 33% of Australians rely on old age, disability, unemployment and single parents benefits to survive. How many Australians know that Murdoch owned News Corporation (which owns over 70% of Australia’s newspapers) received an 886 million dollar tax refund during the 2013/2014 financial year and paid NO TAX during the 2014/2015 financial year, while 21st Century Fox, Murdoch’s other media arm, paid less than 1% tax during the same period?

It seems, in Australia, there is one set of taxation laws for corporations and another set for the rest of the community. Unless Federal politicians, of all political hues, are willing to make corporate taxation revenue their number one priority during 2016, we can expect to be told, ad nauseam, there is not enough money for 

Read and/or download the full article below 

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Bombings in Brussels - We are sad with you Brussels - May these deaths be not anonymous - May these deaths not be in vain

Picture above orignally from Le Monde

Dale Hess Calendar - March 21 2016

Thursday 31 March, 7 pm: Palestinian Poet Rafeef Ziadeh. Rafeef has received many accolades from leading lights in the arts such as Pulitzer-prize winning author and poet Alice Walker.  In fact, British filmmaker Ken Loach has said, ‘Rafeef's poetry demands to be heard.   She is powerful, emotional and political.  Please read her work and see her perform.  You cannot then be indifferent to the Palestinian cause.’ Kaleide Theatre, RMIT, 360 Swanston Street, Melbourne CBD. Rafeef will be joined by the indomitable singer/songwriter Phil Monsour, the album's producer, and the installation video and performance artist Aseel Tayah  known for her most glorious voice. Profits from the night will be donated to  Olive Kidsto assist Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. TICKETS AND BOOKINGS: $ 22 to $29.

Tuesday 5 April, 6 pm: Black Mist, White Rain.  Featured speakers: Sue Coleman-Haseldine and Abaac Anjain-MaddisonSue is a Kokatha-Mula woman living in Ceduna, South Australia. She was born at the Koonibba mission near Maralinga, a site of British nuclear testing. In December 2014 she travelled to Austria to deliver a testimony on the impacts of nuclear testing on Aboriginal land and people to 158 governments at the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons. Abacca was born on Rongelap, an island that will remain uninhabitable for generations due to radioactive contamination caused by nuclear testing conducted in the Pacific. For many people in Australia and the Pacific, nuclear weapons are not a distant, abstract threat, but a lived reality – a persistent source of pain and suffering, of contamination and dislocation. Indigenous communities bear the brunt of this ongoing scourge. Venue: Drill Hall, 26 Therry Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.  The event is free but with limited space, so please register to ensure you get a seat. Book here. More information: Contact Details: Gem Romuld - - 0421 955 066.

Thursday 7 April, 6 pm -  8.30 pm: Public Lecture: will terrorism and the ‘war on terror’ ever end? Prof. Joseph Camilleri will present a special lecture. The United States launched the war on terror at 9.30pm on September 11th 2001. Since then, over 61,000 terrorist attacks have killed more than 140,000 people. Many more have died in the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Many millions have had to flee their homes. Is there an end in sight to this mayhem?  Venue: St Michael's on Collins

120 Collins Street – Melbourne.

Sunday 10 April, 12.30 pm – 6 pm: Interfaith Film Festival. Different Books, Common Word - 1h (Muslim / Christian); Solomon & Gaenor [M]-  1h 42m (Jewish / Christian) ; Arranged [PG] - 1h 33 m (Muslim / Jewish). Cost $15 to cover expenses |  Further donations to JCMA welcome Light refreshments will be provided. Venue: AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY  115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy 3065 Christ Lecture Theatre (5); Mercy Lecture Theatre (6). Paid Parking available on Young Street.  RSVP by Monday 4 April 2016:  Eventbrite Bookings (preferred):; T: 03 9287 5590; M: 0400 211 221;

Monday 11 April; Sunday and Monday, 24 April and 25 April; Sunday 1 May: Ecological Literacy. Ecological literacy was initially used by David W. Orr and physicist Fritjof Capra in the 1990s, to understand the Earth as a living system whose well-being was dependent on our thinking in terms of the interdependence of all living systems. In his Web of Life Capra writes of the emergence of a new paradigm challenging the old mechanistic and linear view of the universe and challenging notions of continuous growth and development and with it consumerism and commodification as the “normal”. Ecological literacy is about using this interdependent view of the world to help address the complex dilemmas around the destructive impact that humans have had on the world bringing us to what is often called the Anthropocene… And together we'll draw on the experiences and wisdom of all participants, and the 'natural world' around us. Cost $800. Further details:

Tuesday, 12 April, 6 pm – 9 pm: Nuclear In/Justice. The Anti-Nuclear and Clean Energy Collectivepresents a new experiential workshop exploring the nuclear industry in a fun and participative way. We will go on a journey of movement and theatre to understand our role in the nuclear machine and work towards nuclear guardianship. Union House - Melbourne University, Parkville Campus, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia. Google map and directions. This is a free event. RSVP’s essential. Contact: Jemila

Wednesday 13  April, 6.45 pm: Rare screening of On the Waterfront.  Transparency International Australia’s Victorian Chapter presents a screening of the film On the Waterfront. Set against the Waterfront Crime Commission (1953), this film has everything: the mob, murder, corruption, social justice and a love story. See a young Marlon Brando struggle with the difficulty of making moral choices in an uncertain modern world. The film endures as a powerful observation of both society and humanity, resonating for audiences as much today as when it was made in 1954. It swept the Academy Awards in the year of its release. An introduction to the film will be made by Phil Newman (CEO of Transparency International Australia) and Tricia Caswell (former union leader & ACTU Executive Member). Phil will highlight TI Australia's work and Tricia will reflect on her experience in the union movement. Book your ticket herePls help us make this inaugural film night a success by inviting your friends by forwarding this email, or posting info on to your Facebook, Linkedin or other social media sites. Where: ACMI Cinema 1, Federation Square.Cost: $20 ($15 concession)

Monday 25 April – Friday 29 April: Living the Peace Testimony with Greg Rolles. Explore the connections between war, militarism, climate change, colonisation of Indigenous peoples, racism – and your own urges to help bring peace. 
Silver Wattle Quaker Centre, 
1063 Lake Road, Bungendore, NSW. 
Telephone:02 6238 0588

Tuesday 26 April, 6.30 pm – 10 pm: Remembrance and Resilience: 30 Years after ChernobylTheAnti-Nuclear and Clean Energy Collective and the Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW) present a night of short films and talks to remember the Chernobyl disaster and to celebrate the ongoing resistance to the nuclear industry. Joining us will be a special guest speaker, Bill Williams from MAPW. Films to be confirmed. Venue: Loop Project Space and Bar, 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Google map and directionsContact:$10/$15 solidarity.

Sunday 22 May, 6 pm: An Evening with Edward Snowden. The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law is proud to be supporting Edward Snowden's first ever (virtual) speaking tour in Australia, presented by Think, Inc. Join us to hear Snowden comment on the dangers of Australia's growing governmental surveillance, the tumultuous relationship between individualism and 'national security', and on the actions that polarised him as a paladin for the public and a public enemy to politicians. (Appearing via a video link). The Plenary – Melbourne Convention Centre, 1 Convention Centre Place, Melbourne. For tickets click here.

Friday 10 June – Monday 13 June: Indigenous Spirituality and Culture with Karen Kime. Journey into Aboriginal ways of teaching country, kinship and cross-cultural issues in work and community. The workshop will also include examples of other indigenous people. Silver Wattle Quaker Centre, 1063 Lake Road, Bungendore, NSW. Telephone:02 6238 0588

Monday 11 July; Sunday and Monday, 31 July and 1 August; Saturday 10 September: Recreating our Organisations. We live in a world of organisations, educational, familial, work…each with its own culture and processes and each creating its own set of experiences for those who interact with it. Whilst we cannot escape from the reality of organizations in our lives, we can learn to better understand, work with and change (for the better) the organizations in which we play a part…In this unit then our central question addresses the possibilities of recreating or re-imagining the way we organise that would create more soulful, meaningful, value based,  collaborative and generative organisations that are relevant for 21st century sustainable and socially just organisations. Cost $800. Further details:

 Friday 21 October – Saturday 22 October: The Justice Conference. The 2016 Justice Conference has a brilliant line up of international and Australian speakers, thinkers and practitioners. With two full days of content, including key note sessions, worship, poetry, panels, electives and glimpses of justice, there is no doubt that you will be challenged and inspired. Stay tuned for more information regarding the program as we near the conference. Venues: Melbourne Town Hall and Atheneaum Theatre. Further details:

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Video coverage from Stan Grant's 'The Point' on the Redfern forum, "Men Speak Out For Treaty" (14th March).

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Ballarat Interfaith Network and the Islamic Society of Ballarat are joining together to present an open day at the Mosque of Ballarat on April 16. Details below.

The post below is cross posted from the blog of the Ballarat Interfaith Network, Beside The Creek.
Ballarat Interfaith Network
is happy to promote
for the
Islamic Society of Ballarat
an opportunity to visit
the Mosque of Ballarat
on 16 April 2016
details below
The theme of the event is
'Come to Common Terms'

Lecture by Sheikh Waseem Razvi on interfaith dialogue

Wednesday, 16 March 2016




As a logically minded person with a love for linguistics, I distinctly remember learning the true root of the proper word for brekky – BREAKFAST meant to literally BREAK the FAST that you just did while sleeping. 7 year old mind = blown. So now on this sunny Wednesday morning after a refreshing night storm in Sydney last night, I am reminded of that moment. Firstly because it is one of the first days that I haven’t had sweat dripping down my back by 11am in what seems like months and SECONDLY because there is finally a really big, important event to write about here at Born Free.
If you’re wondering if I’ve become lazy or joined the Liberal Party, you can rest easy. Lazy is debatable and well I’d join the LNP over my dead body. I’ve been really busy growing my business as a digital producer and moving house, and I’m really sorry that I haven’t been as active on this blog.
But after last week’s International Women’s Day march, my sign making skills are polished and I’m ready to march once again – with a nationwide rally happening this Sunday.
sydney rally isabelle whitington
Sydney: 1pm at Belmore Park (by Central Station)
  • JESSICA WALKER (Queensland Teachers Union, Yeronga High School & Save Mojgan campaign)
  • JOEL SHAKESPEARE (former Save the Children worker on Nauru)
  • REV JOHN BARR (President, NSW Ecumenical Council)
  • MS WIES SCHUIRINGA (Religious Society of Friends – Quakers)
  • REV MYUNG HWA PARK (Uniting Synod NSW/ACT) 
  • RABBI GAD KREBS (Kehillat Masada Synagogue)
  • FR SHENOUDA MANSOUR (Coptic Orthodox Church)
  • DR SUE WAREHAM (Medical Association for Prevention of War)
  • SHOKUFA TAHIRI (Afghan refugee)
  • IAN RINTOUL (Refugee Action Coalition)
  • MC: DR DAVID ISAACS (Former Nauru paediatrician
Melbourne: 2pm State Library of Victoria, Swanston St
  • Daniel Webb – Human Rights Law Centre
  • Nazir Yousafi – Refugee & President Victorian Afghan Associations Network
  • Senator Sarah Hanson Young – Australian Greens
  • Interfaith Panel: Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black – The Leo Baeck Centre,
  •  Mohamed Mohideen – Islamic Council of Victoria
  • Stuart McMillan, President Uniting Church,
  • Lisa Fitzpatrick – State Secretary ANMF
  • Shen Narayanasamy – GetUp!
  • Pamela Curr – Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Musical performances by Dan Sultan, Melbourne Mass Gospel Choir, South of the River, Little Foot and Shaking The Tree (Dan Sultan will be performing at the end of the march in Queen Vic Gardens, half the speakers will also be at the end of the march).
Toowoomba: 11:30am, St Patrick’s Cathedral, James Street
At 12.30 there will be speeches at Civic Square followed by Community Picnic. BYO food and love to share :)
Armidale: 11:30am, Judith Wright Grove, corner of Faulkner and Dumaresq Streets, across from the Farmer’s Market
Gather 11:15 for an 11:30 March to Rally in the Mall with Theatre, Speakers and Music
For further information call Bea Bleile on 0458 752 680
Any other events please contact me so I can post them!

Happy Marching!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Written by Catherine King 
Federal Member for Ballarat and
Shadow Minister for Health


Friday, 11 March 2016
NSW Liberal Premier Mike Baird has today exposed the Liberals’ agenda to privatise Medicare, with his plan to allow private insurers to move into general practice.

The Liberal plan to allow private health insurers into GP practices would mark the end of Medicare as a universal health insurance scheme.

It will create a two-tier Americanised health system where those with private cover receive preferential access, and pensioners, benefit card holders and others who cannot afford private insurance are relegated to a safety net system. 

This would be disastrous for patients, but also be disastrous for the health Budget, pushing up GP Fees. 

The previous Minister for Health also toyed with this proposal, allowing a trial of private health insurance in general practice in QLD which saw an administration fee paid and guaranteed appointments within 24 hours for private health insurance customers.  

This is the thin edge of the wedge when it comes to the destruction of our universal health care system and the government must immediately rule it out. 

It’s no coincidence this latest Liberal attack on Medicare comes just weeks after Commonwealth Health department officials revealed at Senate Estimates the Turnbull Government has been working in secret for 18 months on plans to privatise the Medicare payments system.

In both cases, the Liberals have attempted to keep their privatisation agenda secret.

The Liberal move to create a two tier system for general practice was only revealed because of a NSW Labor Freedom of Information request. None of the tenders for the plan to privatise the Medicare payments system were listed on the official government AusTender website.

Today’s revelations confirm that after spending their first two years in office trying to kill Medicare by slashing $60 billion out of health, the Liberals are now spending 2016 trying to sell it.

It confirms yet again, that the Liberals cannot be trusted with health, and cannot be trusted with Medicare.

Australians deserve better than a Government which is determined to wreck Medicare and introduce a two tier Americanised health system where access to care is determined by wealth, not need.

To read more articles by Catherine King, please go here 

Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) has released a map showing a new climate is emerging/changing in Australia


This is impressive from the Australian export grains board and a lot of farmers will listen to them because it's not what they'd consider to be the usual lefties.
But basically they're saying climate change is real, they just don't say climate change.

A new climate is emerging in Australia, according to new maps released by the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC).

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