WGAR News:
Upcoming Aboriginal rights events
around Australia
56 events from 25 May 2013
Newsletter date: 25 May 2013
Ed. Note:
'WGAR News' publishes events from a wide range of sources.
The events included are not necessarily endorsed by WGAR.
Click on the links for details of the events ...
Event: 2 May to 1 December 2013: South Bank, Qld
Voice and Reason
"Since the colonial era, Indigenous artists have been
actively examining the conversations and conflicts
involving their ancestors and settlers in Australia.
Their works affirm the place of their peoples' cultures
in these interactions with different histories and beliefs."
Event: 17 May - 28 June 2013: The Rocks, central Sydney, NSW
Ngarraanga nginundi Yuludara:
Remember your Dreaming
Head on Photo Festival 2013
The Rocks Discovery Museum
"An exhibition by emerging photographer Kaleesha Morris,
Ngarraanga nginundi Yuludara Remember your Dreaming
illustrates the intimate connections Aboriginal people,
particularly the young, retain with their sense of Aboriginality
and Country. ... A proud Gumbaynggirr and Kulkagal
(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) woman from
Grafton, New South Wales, Morris is passionate about
the empowerment and culture of her people."
Flyer: http://indymedia.org.au/files/2013-05-15_224639.jpg
Event details: http://indymedia.org.au/ngarraanga-nginundi-yuludara-remember-your-dreaming-photography-exhibition-17th-may-28th-june
Event: 25 May 2013: Chippendale, Sydney, NSW
NSW Reconciliation Council & Sydney Ideas present
I’m Not Racist, But…
"an interactive forum that aims to generate an open discussion
around racism in Australia, through the personal reflections
and perspectives of four diverse and creative Australians."
The evening hosted by Alex Dyson, will include
a performance by Radical Son, and will feature:
* Joelistics, MC, producer and hip hop music artist
* Yatu Widders Hunt, writer and eco fashionista
* Geoff Lemon, writer and editor of Going Down Swinging
* Tasnium Saeid, solicitor and community activist, Y-Factor radio show host
Event details: http://www.seymourcentre.com/events/event/im-not-racist-but/
Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/533838683321080/
Event: 25 May 2013: Tennant Creek, NT
No Nuclear Waste Dump for Muckaty
Tennant Creek rally and concert
"May 25 marks six years since the Northern Land Council
voted to nominate the current Muckaty site for assessment.
The annual community rally will be held on this date
in Tennant Creek. The nomination remains strongly contested
by Traditional Owners and the Barkly region community."
"Supporters from across the Northern Territory and
country are invited to attend."
A concert with performers including:
Sandridge Band (Borroloola);
Winanjjikari All Stars (Tennant Creek);
Kylie Sambo, hip-hop artist (Tennant Creek and;
Perfect Cult (Borroloola).
Event details: http://www.acfonline.org.au/get-involved/events/no-nuclear-waste-dump-muckaty
Event details: [scroll down page] http://ohmsnotbombs.net/archives/809
WGAR Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-proposed-muckaty-nuclear-waste-dump-in-nt-australia
Event: 25 May to 16 Jun 2013: Queensland
Play: Mother Courage and Her Children
Presented By QPAC & Queensland Theatre Company
"Bertolt Brecht's epic morality tale about the
ravages of war is given a unique twist by
Queensland Theatre Company Artistic Director
Wesley Enoch and Paula Nazarski in a
dazzling new translation."
"With an all-Indigenous cast, this fresh spin on
Brecht's play delicately folds in themes of
land ownership, the impact of mining
and the stolen generation."
Event details: http://www.qpac.com.au/event/Mother_Courage_13.aspx
Event details: [scroll to bottom of page] http://antarqld.org.au/node/219
Event: Sat 25 May 2013: Darwin, NT
KAHLIN Centenary events
"The Friends of Kahlin and NT Stolen Generation
are hosting events during 2013 to commemorate
the Centenary of Kahlin."
"The first of these events start in Reconciliation Week, to be
hosted by Friends of Kahlin and supported by ANTaR NT."
Event details: http://thna.me/pipermail/darc_thna.me/2013-May/000373.html
Event: 25 January - 25 May 2013: Canberra, ACT
Centenary of Canberra celebrates First Australians
"As we celebrate Canberra's 100th birthday in 2013,
we recognise Aboriginal people's continuing connection
to this place, a connection that spans some 20,000 years."
Event details: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/actindnetwork/message/20210
Event: 26 to 31 May 2013: Darwin, NT
World Indigenous Network (WIN) Conference
"The Australian Government with partner countries and the
Larrakia Nation are proud and excited to host the
inaugural WIN Conference in Darwin, Northern Territory,
Australia from Sunday 26 to Friday 31 May 2013.
For thousands of years, the Aboriginal Traditional Custodians
of Darwin, the Larrakia Nation have lived on and maintained
their cultural ties to this thriving, vibrant, multicultural city of
more than 120,000 people.
The Conference will call on all delegates to help build a strong
foundation for an innovative and well-grounded enduring
World Indigenous Network. It will be a fantastic opportunity for
Indigenous Peoples and Local Community land and sea
managers to come together, connect and share stories and
Event: 26 May 2013: various locations in Australia
National Sorry Day
"National Sorry Day offers the Community the opportunity
to acknowledge the impact of the policies spanning more
than 150 years of forcible removal of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander children from their families."
"The first National Sorry Day was held on 26 May 1998
following the 1997 Commission report 'Bringing Them Home'
which recommended that a national day of observance be declared."
Event details for your state or territory: http://www.nsdc.org.au/events-info/plan-and-share-your-events
Event details: http://www.nsdc.org.au
Event details: http://www.humanrights.gov.au/news/events/national-sorry-day
Event: Sun 26 May 2013: Narrabeen to Wakehurst Parkway, Sydney, NSW
ASG event for National Sorry day: Remembrance Walk
Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater
"Members and interested members of the community
meet at Berry Park, Narrabeen where a Welcome to Country
will be given and small talk, then a silent walk to the
Scout Hall Bilarong Reserve, Wakehurst Parkway.
A journey of healing to remember the Stolen Generations,
the children and their families and the meaning and
repercussions of this to all Australians today."
Flyer: http://www.asgmwp.net/SorryDay2013.pdf
Event details: http://www.asgmwp.net/Calendar.htm
Event: Sun 26 May 2013: Footscray, Melbourne, Vic
Public meeting: Campaign to recognise
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in
Australia's Constitution Footscray event
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/events/54123
Event: Sun 26 May 2013: Federation Square, Melbourne, Vic
Public meeting: Campaign to recognise
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in
Australia's Constitution city event
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/events/54121
Event: 27 May until 3 June 2013: various locations in Australia
National Reconciliation Week: Let's Talk Recognition
"It is a time to celebrate and build on the respectful
relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people and other Australians."
"National Reconciliation Week is framed by two
key events in Australia’s history, which provide
strong symbols for reconciliation:
* 27 May 1967- the referendum ...
* 3 June 1992 - the Mabo decision ... "
Reconciliation Australia
Event details - What’s happening in your state: http://www.reconciliation.org.au/nrw/national-reconciliation-week/what-s-on#1533
Sydney Event details: http://sydney.edu.au/alumni/events/reconciliation_week.shtml
Queensland Event details: http://www.antarqld.org.au/node/227
Event details: http://www.reconciliation.org.au/nrw
WGAR Background to Mabo and Native Title: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/07/02/background-to-mabo-and-native-title
Event: Mon 27 May 2013: Acton Peninsula, Canberra, ACT
Indigenous health: a contemporary Australian nursing specialty
AIATSIS Seminar Series
Ali Drummond, Director,
Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses
"New Zealand and Canada have made significant contributions
to the health of their respective Indigenous nations through the
establishment of Indigenous health as a nursing specialty.
Each has developed undergraduate and postgraduate curricula
to support a nursing education pathway in Indigenous health.
Indigenous health is not identified as a nursing specialty in
Event details: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/actindnetwork/message/20777
Event: 28 May 2013: University of Sydney, NSW
The 'C' Word - The challenge and necessity of changing our constitution
Presented in partnership by the NSW Reconciliation Council
and Reconciliation Australia to mark National Reconciliation Week 2013
"Will Australians be ready to erase the racial discrimination
in our founding document and include significant recognition
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians?"
" ... join Dr Tom Calma AO, Associate Professor Sarah Maddison
and Professor Anne Twomey in a discussion on national identity,
Constitutional change and the next steps for reconciliation in Australia"
Event details: http://whatson.sydney.edu.au/events/published/the-challenge-and-necessity-of-changing-our-constitution
Event summary: http://sydney.edu.au/alumni/events/reconciliation_week.shtml
Event: Wed 29 May 2013: Darwin, NT
Closing the Gap early childhood development seminar
"Closing the Gap would like to invite you to a free
seminar on early childhood development in Darwin
on May 29, 2013."
"The Early Childhood Development:
understanding the evidence to inform parenting,
early learning programs and access to services
for Indigenous children"
Event details: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=1051
Event: 29 May 2013: ANU, Canberra, ACT
Assisting and supporting Aboriginal Australians
following critical incidents and trauma:
Can Psychological First Aid be suitably adapted
to meet the needs of Aboriginal communities?
Presented by: Len Kanowski
CAEPR Seminar
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Australian National University
"This seminar will discuss plans to investigate
the suitability of existing PFA [Psychological First Aid]
approaches for Aboriginal Australians;
propose that we must continue to exercise caution
against the use of generic western psychological
interventions across different cultural groups;
and emphasise the need for culturally informed
approaches to psychological intervention and support."
Current CAEPR seminars: http://caepr.anu.edu.au/Seminars/seminars.php
Event: 4 until 29 May 2013: Yeelirrie to Leonora, WA
Walkatjurra Walkabout - Yeelirrie to Leonora
Stepping out against uranium mining
"This Saturday 4th of May people from across Australia and
around the World will be meeting with local Aboriginal people,
Wangkatja people, to embark on a 3 week walk from
Yeelirrie - WA’s largest uranium deposit to Leonora."
" ... we head out bush again for another exciting
chapter in building solidarity with the local Aboriginal
community and growing the resistance to uranium mining..
The Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke gave
conditional approval for the Wiluna Uranium mine ...
and things are really heating up.. There is an International
crew committed to coming for the walk this year and a
lot of people traveling from over East to be here as well.. "
"The walk will continue to be a celebration of Wangkatja
country, a testament to the strength of the community
who have fought to stop uranium mining at Yeelirrie
for over forty years, and a chance to come together and
continue to share our commitment to a sustainable future
without nuclear. It is a chance to reconnect with the land,
and to revive the tradition of walking for country."
Event details: http://walkingforcountry.com/2013/02/18/walkatjurra-walkabout-dates-announced-for-2013/
Event details: http://walkingforcountry.com/2013/04/11/1101/
Event: Thu 30 May 2013: Sydney, NSW
Indigenous solidarity discussion
"Come chat about how to be a good ally in Indigenous struggles.
All are welcome, particularly if you're involved in environmental
or social justice campaigns currently, or a member of an
SRC collective."
Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/170480816448361/
Event: 30 May 2013: University of Sydney, NSW
Seminar: Breaking Through
"Featuring Shane Phillips, Australian Local Hero of the Year;
Ron Allum, NSW Senior Australian of the Year; and
Corey Payne, Young Australian of the Year."
"Advocate for Aboriginal rights, Shane Phillips is a
respected member of the Redfern Aboriginal community
and is regarded as their voice on a range of youth
issues, juvenile justice and Aboriginal deaths in custody."
Event summary: http://sydney.edu.au/alumni/events/reconciliation_week.shtml
Event: Thu 30 May 2013: Sydney, NSW
RightsTalk: Racism. It stops with me
Australian Human Rights Commission
"Racism can take many forms, from comments and jokes
to verbal abuse, racial slurs and in some cases can
result in acts of physical abuse and violence."
"ABC presenter, Jeremy Fernandez will discuss with
Professor Gillian Triggs, his recent experience of racial
abuse on a Sydney bus."
Event: 30 - 31 May 2013: Weipa, Qld
Napranum Men’s Group Gathering
"Napranum men's group and invited guests will camp for
two days at Bouchat Landing - (traditional grounds)
to discuss a broad range of issues affecting Indigenous men
from the region - it is hoped to highlight issues
(health, employment, justice, education, culture and
leadership for youth) into actions and seek positive
outcomes for building a strong future for all."
Event details: [scroll to bottom of page] http://www.antarqld.org.au/node/227
Event: Thu 30 May 2013: Canberra, ACT
Reconciliation Week event - Constitutional Recognition campaign
"Join us as Canberra's community sector supports
the movement to recognise Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples in our Constitution."
National Press Club
Event details: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/actindnetwork/message/20776
Event: Fri 31 May 2013: Shepparton, Vic
Book Launch: "A Decision to Discriminate
- Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory"
* Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians'
* Neville Atkinson, Yorta Yorta Nation
The presentation includes video clips and opportunities for questions
"Find out more about the situation of the Aboriginal people
of the Northern Territory under the continuation of the Intervention,
now called Stronger Futures."
"This new book is an important historical record
that focuses on the Senate Committee Inquiry
into the Stronger Futures legislation. It shows
how the Government decision-making process
chose to ignore the views and ideas expressed
by many Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory
communities in much the same way as has
happened since colonisation."
'A Decision to Discriminate' is a 'concerned Australians' publication
'A Decision to Discriminate' Order Form: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/media/ADTD_Order_Form.pdf
'concerned Australians' Homepage: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/#ADTD
'A Decision to Discriminate' Book reviews:
'A Decision to Discriminate' Audio Interviews:
[scroll down page] http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/#ADTD
WGAR Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-northern-territory-nt-intervention
WGAR Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-stronger-futures-new-nt-intervention-laws
Event: 1 June 2013: Carlton South, Melbourne, Vic
Rally: Original Nations Passport ceremony
"Original Nation Passports will be issued by Robert Thorpe
and Uncle Larry Walsh, West Papua visa stamps issued by
Jacob Rumbiak, foreign affairs minister of the Federated
Republic of West Papua, authorising participants on the
Freedom Flotilla to West Papua to enter West Papuan lands."
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/events/54130
Event: Fri 10 May until 1 June 2013: Northcote, Melbourne, Vic
The Power and the Passion
How a community triumphed over corporate greed
"The Power and the Passion is a photographic exhibition
highlighting the power of the Kimberley's landscapes
and the Passion of those who defend it. The evening
will be a celebration of community triumphing over
corporate greed, and a chance for us to discuss how we
can move forward together in our ongoing work to
protect culture, community and our environment.
It’s also a chance for us to pat each other on the back
and celebrate our success in defending James Price Point."
Event details: http://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/kimberley/the-power-and-the-passion
WGAR Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/11/22/wgar-news-background-to-the-save-the-kimberley-campaign-james-price-point-north-of-broome
Event: 3 June 2013: various locations in Australia
Mabo Day
"On June 3rd 1992, six months after
Eddie "Koiki" Mabo's tragic death, the
High Court upheld his claim that Murray Islanders
held native title to land in the Torres Strait."
Event details: http://www.mabonativetitle.com/home.shtml
NIRS: Sam Watson says Mabo Day a better day for national celebration:
WGAR Background to Mabo and Native Title: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/07/02/background-to-mabo-and-native-title
Tue 4 June 2013: Footscray, Melbourne, Vic
Film Real: Black Screen June
Screening of 'Mabo - Life of an Island Man'
Footscray Community Arts Centre
"Mabo Day on June 3rd commemorates the late
"Eddie" Koiki Mabo (1936-1992), a Torres Strait
Islander whose campaign for land rights led to the
High Court’s 1992 landmark decision, which
overturned a legal fiction that Australia was
Terra Nullius (land belonging to no-one).
Join us for a screening of Mabo - Life of an Island Man."
Event details: http://footscrayarts.com/access-blog-event/film-real-black-screen-june/
Event: 3 - 5 June 2013: Alice Springs, NT
National Native Title Conference 2013:
Shaping the Future
This year’s themes include,
The Native Title Act 20 years on and where to from here?
"The Native Title Research Unit co-hosts the
Annual National Native Title Conference.
The conference is co-hosted by a native title
representative body (NTRB) and permission is sought
from local traditional owners to hold the
conference in their country."
"The conference engages with native title as
an active agenda for justice for people and country
- both before and after the outcome of native title
determination, and within the broader compass
of traditional ownership."
Event details: http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/ntru/ntc13.html
Event details: http://www.clc.org.au/articles/info/national-native-title-conference-alice-springs-convention-centre-3-5-june-2
Event summary: http://www.theblackbook.com.au/whatson_detail.asp?id=985&si=0&mi=3&yi=2013
Event summary: http://www.humanrights.gov.au/about/events/index.html
WGAR Background to Mabo and Native Title: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/07/02/background-to-mabo-and-native-title
Event: 4 to 6 June 2013: Cairns, Qld
SNAICC’s Fifth National Conference
For Our Children: Living and Learning Together
Organised by SNAICC:
Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care
Keynote Speakers:
* Marta Maurás Perez (Chile)
* Cindy Blackstock (Canada)
* Assoc. Prof. Cynthia Kiro (New Zealand) - of Maori descent
* Prof. Judy Atkinson - a Jiman and Bundjalung woman
* Kathy Guthadjaka (Gotha) - a Gatjirrk Warramiri woman
living at Gawa (north-east Arnhem Land)
"The SNAICC National Conference is the largest
conference of its type in the southern hemisphere
and provides the opportunity for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander organisations, policy makers,
researchers, government representatives, other
non-government organisations and industry
representatives to gather and make renewed
commitments to Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander children."
Keynote Speakers: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=931
Event details: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/dsp-default.cfm?loadref=67
Event details: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=965
SNAICC News: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=1053
SNAICC News: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=1044
SNAICC News: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=1032
NIRS News: http://www.nirs.org.au/blog/NEWS/article/29184/Peak-child-care-group-to-hold-fifth-conference.html
Event: Fri 7 June 2013: Adelaide, SA
149th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk
around Government House
Gather at dusk on the first Friday of the month
(except January and February)
"Join us on the Candle Light Walk to
call for a Treaty and Bill of Rights, and
to support the Ngarrindjeri and all other
Aboriginal people and the Stolen Generations,
their families and communities left behind,
in their call for Peace and Justice."
Event details: http://antarsa.auspics.org.au/category/news/2013/05/candlelight-walk-2/
Event details: http://antarsa.auspics.org.au/
Background to the Candle Light Walk: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~rmclc/CandleLightWalkHistory.htm
Event: Sat 8 June 2013 (World Oceans Day): Perth, WA
Making Waves for the Kimberley
Featuring Prof. Carmen Lawrence
"This World Ocean's Day (June 8th) the
Wilderness Society WA cordially invites you to
Making Waves for the Kimberley with guest speaker
Prof. Carmen Lawrence, Chair of the Australian Heritage Council. ...
With the support of the community and people like yourself,
who have helped save James Price Point from a dirty &
conflicted gas hub, we are continuing with our court case to
seek answers on why a compromised EPA was allowed to
recommend approval for this project. Ensuring that future projects
will be held accountable for delivering flawed environmental
and social impact assessments. The event will also be a
celebration of the last five years of campaigning and
community support that is responsible for our grand 'win'."
Event details: http://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/kimberley/making-waves-for-the-kimberley
WGAR Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/11/22/wgar-news-background-to-the-save-the-kimberley-campaign-james-price-point-north-of-broome
Event: Tue 11 June 2013: Ryde, Sydney, NSW
Book launch 'A Decision to Discriminate'
& Film Screening 'Our Generation'
Special Speaker: Graeme Mundine
This event is part of the Guringai Festival 2013: http://www.guringaifestival.com.au/GuringaiBooklet2013_9April%20LR.pdf
"This new book 'A Decision to Discriminate' is an
important historical record that focuses on the
Senate Committee Inquiry into the Stronger Futures
legislation. It shows how the Government
decision-making process chose to ignore the views
and ideas expressed by many Aboriginal people
of the Northern Territory communities in much the
same way as has happened since colonisation."
"'Our Generation' is an independent documentary film,
made over 3 years, that looks at the current state of
Indigenous relations in Australia, home to the oldest
living culture in the world. Driven by the remote Yolngu
peoples of Northeast Arnhem Land in the Northern
Territory, the film shines a light on the ongoing struggle
of Aboriginal people to their culture, lands and basic
human rights."
Flyer: http://www.respectandlisten.org/uploads/downloads/ca/ADTD-launch-Ryde-11-6-13.pdf
Flyer: http://www.respectandlisten.org/uploads/downloads/ca/ADTD-launch-Ryde-A5-double-11-6-13.pdf
Event details: http://nsw.greens.org.au/content/book-launch-%E2%80%98-decision-discriminate%E2%80%99-film-screening-%E2%80%98our-generation%E2%80%99
Event details, page 26: http://www.guringaifestival.com.au/GuringaiBooklet2013_9April%20LR.pdf
Event details: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/ADTD_booklaunches.html#Ryde
'A Decision to Discriminate' is a 'concerned Australians' publication
'A Decision to Discriminate' Order Form: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/media/ADTD_Order_Form.pdf
'concerned Australians' Homepage: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/#ADTD
'A Decision to Discriminate' Book Reviews:
'A Decision to Discriminate' Audio Interviews:
[scroll down page] http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/#ADTD
About 'Our Generation' Film: http://www.ourgeneration.org.au/about
'Our Generation' Film Reviews: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/09/24/our-generation-film-reviews
WGAR Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-northern-territory-nt-intervention
WGAR Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-stronger-futures-new-nt-intervention-laws
Event: Fri 14 June 2013: Melbourne, Vic
Stop the Creation of Another Stolen Generation!
Stepping up for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Rights!
* Hosted by SNAICC, the national peak body for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
"It will be a dynamic conversation with an amazing group of
speakers, including special international guest, the
Vice Chairperson of the United Nations Committee
on the Rights of the Child, Ms Marta Mauras-Perez."
Event details: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=1056
Event: 17 May to 16 June 2013: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Exhibition: Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention
Opening Thu 16 May 2013
Counihan Gallery In Brunswick: http://www.moreland.vic.gov.au/arts-and-festivals/counihan-gallery.html
"Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention is about the
removal of citizen rights by the Federal government’s 'intervention',
(2007 - 2012) in the Northern Territory, seen through the
practices of Aboriginal and non-Indigenous artists."
"Using a range of media, the artists look at the return
to protectionist policy and the diminishing of an
Indigenous participatory voice: the loss of citizenship
rights, of the right to homelands and self-determination."
"Alison Alder, Bindi Cole, Fiona Foley, Dan Jones,
Vernon Ah Kee, Sally M. Mulda, Chips Mackinolty,
Fiona MacDonald, Amy Napurulla, Brendan Penzer,
Therese Ritchie, Deborah Vaughan, Jason Wing"
Curated by Jo Holder & Djon Mundine OAM
Event details: [scroll down page] http://www.moreland.vic.gov.au/arts-and-festivals/counihan-gallery/exhibition-program-counihan.html
Analysis: https://melbourneartcritic.wordpress.com/tag/nt-intervention/
WGAR Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-northern-territory-nt-intervention
Event: Sat 22 June 2013: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW
Protest marking 6 years of the NT Intervention
* Repeal "Stronger Futures / Stolen Futures" Legislation!
* Stop Income Management - not in NT - not in Bankstown - not anywhere!
* Reinvest in community controlled services and jobs!
"In Sydney, a rally marking the six year anniversary
of the NT Intervention will be held in Bankstown in June."
"June 21 will mark six years since John Howard announced
the NT Intervention and sent the military into Aboriginal
communities. This was one of the most shameful days in
the history of Australia's brutal and racist treatment of
Aboriginal people and has set the struggle for Aboriginal
rights back many decades."
Flyer and Event details: http://stoptheintervention.org/uploads/files_to_download/Past%20Events/201306-STICS-flyer.pdf
Event summary and Article: [scroll down page to end] http://www.solidarity.net.au/55/income-management-expansion-in-effort-to-break-boycott/
WGAR Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-northern-territory-nt-intervention
WGAR Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-stronger-futures-new-nt-intervention-laws
Event: Wed 1 May - Sun 30 June 2013: Redfern, Sydney, NSW
Photographer: Barbara McGrady
"Barbara is a Gamilario/Murri woman has been photographing
the social history of contemporary Aboriginal life for over
30 years. From Sports to politics, her vision is a unique
perspective from within a community empowering her
subjects by this virtue alone."
Event details: http://headon.com.au/event/barbara-mcgrady
SBS Video: http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1765800/Exhibition-sheds-light-on-Indigenous-communities
Event: Fri 5 July 2013: Adelaide, SA
150th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk
around Government House
Gather at dusk on the first Friday of the month
(except January and February)
"Join us on the Candle Light Walk to
call for a Treaty and Bill of Rights, and
to support the Ngarrindjeri and all other
Aboriginal people and the Stolen Generations,
their families and communities left behind,
in their call for Peace and Justice."
Event details: http://antarsa.auspics.org.au/
Background to the Candle Light Walk: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~rmclc/CandleLightWalkHistory.htm
Event: 6-14 & 17-25 July 6-14 & 17-25 August 2013:
North of Broome on the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, WA
The Lurujarri Dreaming Trail
Walk the Trail with us in 2013
As of 13 May 13: "Bookings for 2013 Lurujarri Heritage Trails now closed
6-14 July: fully booked
17-25 July: fully booked
6-14 August: fully booked
17-25 August: fully booked"
"Feel free to contact us if you would like to register your
interest for the Lurujarri Heritage Trail 2014."
"In 1987, Paddy Roe initiated the Lurujarri Heritage
Trail as a trigger to encourage the members of the
Goolarabooloo community to be walking the Country
again, as had always been done; to conserve;
renew and stay connected with their heritage and
traditional skills and to keep the same alive for
generations to come. He also sought to wake up
non-Aboriginal people to a relationship with the land;
to foster trust; friendship and empathy between the
indigenous community and the wider Australian
and International communities."
Event details: http://www.goolarabooloo.org.au/lurujarri.html
Event details: http://www.australiangeographic.com.au/journal/lurujarri-heritage-walking-trail-kimberley.htm
WGAR Background to the Walmadan Tent Embassy, WA: http://indymedia.org.au/2013/01/02/walmadan-tent-embassy-james-price-point-north-of-broome-kimberley-region-wa
Event: 7 to 14 July 2013: various locations in Australia
National NAIDOC Week
The focus city for National NAIDOC celebrations is Perth
Event details: http://www.naidoc.org.au/
Event: 10 July 2013 NAIDOC week: Narrabundah, Canberra, ACT
Iconic Aboriginal health service
celebrates 25 years of appropriate care
Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service
"Canberra’s iconic Winnunga Nimmityjah today celebrates
25 years of providing culturally safe and holistic health
services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
of the ACT and surrounding areas."
Event details: http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/1433427/1427565531/name/Iconic+Aboriginal+health+service+celebrates+25+years+of.pdf
Event details: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/actindnetwork/message/20758
Event: Sat 13 July - Sun 11 August 2013: Brisbane, Qld
Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Venue: Queensland Centre for Photography
"Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud is a
series of photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
presenting the community and country around Muckaty,
120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek in the NT."
"For over five years this area has been the focus
of federal government pressure as a site to
dump radioactive waste. The federal plan is
deeply unpopular and is being actively opposed."
"Sri Lankan photographer Jagath Dheerasekara
received the Amnesty International Human Rights
Innovation Grant 2010 and has developed the
exhibition as a collaborative project with the
Beyond Nuclear Initiative and Muckaty Traditional Owners."
jagath dheerasekara photographs and story: http://jd.photoshelter.com/gallery/Manuwangku-Under-the-Nuclear-Cloud-NT-Australia-2010-11/G00009qOJutjBtoc/
jagath dheerasekara homepage: http://jd.photoshelter.com/index
jagath dheerasekara book: http://au.blurb.com/books/4159127-manuwangku-under-the-nuclear-cloud
jagath dheerasekara - My Exhibitions & Events: http://jd.photoshelter.com/page1
Essay in burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2013/03/jagath-dheerasekara-manuwangku-under-the-nuclear-cloud/
Interviews with Manawangku traditional owners Isobel Phillips & Doris Kelly: http://www.thewire.org.au/storyDetail.aspx?ID=10023
Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) homepage: http://beyondnuclearinitiative.com/
Amnesty International Australia: http://www.amnesty.org.au/indigenous-rights
Event details: [scroll down page] http://jd.photoshelter.com/page1
WGAR Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump in NT: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-proposed-muckaty-nuclear-waste-dump-in-nt-australia
Event: Ongoing: Cherbourg Aboriginal community, S-E Qld
The Ration Shed Museum
"When our Elders were moved off the land and taken to
Cherbourg they were cut off from their traditional sources
of food and were given weekly rations of mainly flour,
sugar, tea, sago, rice, split peas and meat. The rations
were given from a wooden shed which we have restored
and call The Ration Shed Museum. We use the Ration
Shed as a space to tell our stories."
Event details: http://rationshed.com.au/
Museum Hours and Pricing: http://rationshed.com.au/museum-hours-and-pricing
Event: Ongoing: Canberra, ACT
Exhibition now showing:
First Australians - Resistance
"The lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples were profoundly changed by the arrival
of British colonists in 1788. Lives were lost
and land taken as the colonisers attempted to
impose new social, economic and religious
orders. ... "
"Indigenous people responded in a variety of ways.
Some fought back with weapons. Others
developed different strategies to survive this
new and hostile presence."
"Here we present four of these stories."
National Museum of Australia
Event details: http://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/first_australians/resistance
Event: Fri 2 August 2013: Adelaide, SA
151st Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk
around Government House
Gather at dusk on the first Friday of the month
(except January and February)
"Join us on the Candle Light Walk to
call for a Treaty and Bill of Rights, and
to support the Ngarrindjeri and all other
Aboriginal people and the Stolen Generations,
their families and communities left behind,
in their call for Peace and Justice."
Event details: http://antarsa.auspics.org.au/
Background to the Candle Light Walk: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~rmclc/CandleLightWalkHistory.htm
Event: 4 August 2013: various locations in Australia
National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day (NAICD)
This year’s theme is: Right Here, Right Now. Our Rights Matter.
Event details: http://www.snaicc.org.au/
Event details: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=1043
Event: 9 August 2013: various locations internationally
International Day of the World's Indigenous People
International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2005 - 2015
Event details: [scroll down page] http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/indigenous-peoples-of-the-world
Event details: http://www.un.org/en/events/
Event: 6 May - 25 August 2013: Sydney, NSW
Exhibition: Black on White: Belinda Mason
"The project began as Yolngu on Balanda (central Arnhem
Land language group) back in 2008 when Djammarr Djordila
and photographer Belinda Mason travelled to remote
communities in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, at the
first anniversary of the Australian Government’s Intervention
Policy, to hear community reactions and ask them to
record a visual record of their opinion."
Presented in association with Head On Photo Festival
Event details: http://headon.com.au/event/black-white
Event: Tue 27 August 2013: Tennant Creek, NT
Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Opening: Tue 27 August 2013
Venue: Nyinkka Nyunyu Art and Cultural Centre
"Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud is a
series of photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
presenting the community and country around Muckaty,
120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek in the NT."
"For over five years this area has been the focus
of federal government pressure as a site to
dump radioactive waste. The federal plan is
deeply unpopular and is being actively opposed."
"Sri Lankan photographer Jagath Dheerasekara
received the Amnesty International Human Rights
Innovation Grant 2010 and has developed the
exhibition as a collaborative project with the
Beyond Nuclear Initiative and Muckaty Traditional Owners."
jagath dheerasekara photographs and story: http://jd.photoshelter.com/gallery/Manuwangku-Under-the-Nuclear-Cloud-NT-Australia-2010-11/G00009qOJutjBtoc/
jagath dheerasekara homepage: http://jd.photoshelter.com/index
jagath dheerasekara book: http://au.blurb.com/books/4159127-manuwangku-under-the-nuclear-cloud
jagath dheerasekara - My Exhibitions & Events: http://jd.photoshelter.com/page1
Essay in burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2013/03/jagath-dheerasekara-manuwangku-under-the-nuclear-cloud/
Interviews with Manawangku traditional owners Isobel Phillips & Doris Kelly: http://www.thewire.org.au/storyDetail.aspx?ID=10023
Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) homepage: http://beyondnuclearinitiative.com/
Amnesty International Australia: http://www.amnesty.org.au/indigenous-rights
Event details: http://jd.photoshelter.com/page1
WGAR Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump in NT: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-proposed-muckaty-nuclear-waste-dump-in-nt-australia
Event: 28 September 2013: Melbourne, Vic
Melbourne - Thirty Years But Still No Justice!
National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal deaths in custody!
Remember John Pat and the hundreds
who have died in custody since!
"Support these demands made by John Pat’s mother,
Mavis Pat:
* An apology from the WA government for my son’s death in custody
* An ex-gratia payment as compensation
* That the police officers involved need to be brought to
account and a re-opening of the coronial inquiry
into my son’s death ... "
Organised by:
Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne
Event details: http://isja-msg.com/coming_events.htm
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/54006
Event details: http://indymedia.org.au/2013/05/02/historic-national-stop-deaths-in-custody-coalition-formed
Event details: http://www.facebook.com/events/232079390250476/
WGAR Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/12/17/background-to-aboriginal-imprisonment-and-deaths-in-custody
Event: 17 October 2013: University of Sydney, NSW
Dr Charles Perkins AO Annual Memorial Oration
"The University [of Sydney], in consultation with the Koori Centre,
believed it would be fitting to name the Oration in honour of the
University’s first Indigenous graduate, Dr Charles Perkins AO.
The Dr Charles Perkins AO Annual Memorial Oration was
established with the full support of the Perkins family and in
acknowledgement of Dr Perkins’ tireless dedication to
human rights and social justice for Indigenous Australians."
Event details: http://whatson.sydney.edu.au/events/published/annual-dr-charles-perkins-ao-memorial-prize-and-oration
Event: 25 - 27 November 2013: Cairns, Qld
2013 National Indigenous Health Conference:
Many Pathways, One Outcome
"The 2013 National Indigenous Health Conference is
designed to bring together both government and
non-government agencies who are working in the
field of Indigenous health with the belief that working
together can close the gap between the state of
Indigenous Health as compared to the health of
mainstream Australians."
"The conference philosophy is based upon the principles
of sharing knowledge and information that can be adapted
and implemented in other communities within Australia. ...
this event is also based on the principle that Aboriginal
health needs to be seen and catered for in a holistic way."
"Indigenous Health Conference is convened as a private
joint venture made up of Indigenous members from
several countries."
Event details: http://www.indigenoushealth.net/
Agenda: http://www.indigenoushealth.net/proposedagenda.htm
Guest Speakers: http://www.indigenoushealth.net/guestspeakers.htm
Latest News: http://www.indigenoushealth.net/latestnews.htm
Event: 10 December 2013: various locations internationally
UN International Human Rights Day
Event details: http://www.humanrights.gov.au/education/commemorate_hr_day/index.html
Event details: http://www.un.org/en/events/
Event: 20 December 2013: various locations internationally
UN International Human Solidarity Day
Event details: http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/un/international-human-solidarity-day
Event details: http://www.un.org/en/events/humansolidarityday/
Event: 26 January 2014: various locations in Australia
Sovereignty Day / Invasion Day / Survival Day / Day of Mourning
Event details: http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/history/australia-day-invasion-day
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/46475
Event details: http://www.atsisupport.org.au/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=223015
Event: 13 February 2014: various locations in Australia
National Apology Day
Event details: http://www.nsdc.org.au/events-info/the-apology-to-australias-indigenous-peoples
Event summary: http://www.atsisupport.org.au/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=223021
Event: 21 March 2014: various locations internationally
UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Event details: http://www.un.org/en/events/racialdiscriminationday/
Event details: http://www.un.org/en/events/
Event: 21 March 2014: various locations in Australia
National Close the Gap Day
Event summary: http://www.atsisupport.org.au/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=223027
Event details: http://humanrights.gov.au/social_justice/health/index.html
Event details: https://www.oxfam.org.au/explore/indigenous-australia/close-the-gap
See also:
Creative Spirits: Aboriginal calendar
"When you look at the events which are significant to
Aboriginal people you’ll notice that their recent history
is one of a fight for rights, land and recognition.
It is also a history of sadness, loss and denial."
- - -
About WGAR News:
Subscription to 'WGAR News' is free.
'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:
* the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;
* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies;
* Justice Reinvestment, Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody;
* Aboriginal land rights and mining;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.
'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.
The e-newsletters include media releases, opinion pieces, news items, audio, videos and events.
Subscribers can expect to receive about 5 e-newsletters each week.
To subscribe, email wgar.news@gmail.com and include the words "subscribe WGAR News" in the message header.
To unsubscribe, email wgar.news@gmail.com and include the words "unsubscribe WGAR News" in the message header.
Sample WGAR News e-newsletters:
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WGAR background info web-pages:
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You can also subscribe to our second list 'Contact WGAR' which provides a point of contact and includes occasional activities and events.
To subscribe, email contactwgar@gmail.com and include the words "subscribe WGAR Contact" in the message header.
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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
WGAR Website: http://wgar.wordpress.com/
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