It is an unarguable fact that Aussies love public holidays. Here we are on the first proper working day after New Year and our minds have just shifted to the next one. Australia Day. This comes from the site of the mob who think Tony Abbott Will Never Be Prime Minister. For people from overseas who don't know who Tony Abbot is -
- Here's what Tony sez
- Here's what Wikipedia sez
- Here's what Crikey sez
- Here's what the Sydney Morning Herald sez
Oh, and by the way, that is not the REAL Australian flag but it looks like something a lot of us wouldn't mind having for our flag. A simple version would be to remove the Union Jack from the corner. But some of us would like some good clear design as well. I figure that this one qualifies. To support the idea of a new flag, you might like to pop over and join the conversation with the good folk of AUSFLAG.
Some other ideas
And while we speak of Australia Day,
please remember that not everyone sees it as a great cause for celebration
There are many commemorations of 26 January as survival day across Australia. One commemoration that has grown to be of significance is the Survival Day event at Belgrave in the Dandenong Ranges on the outskirts of Melbourne, Victoria. The organising committee has already kicked things off with the event below. It was very well attended. And a shout-out for work well done to Jane and Davey and the crew up at Belgrave. And thank you for inviting me to speak at this event about The Intervention. So, Melbourne folks, mark your diary to be at Belgrave on 26 January. See you there!
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