Wednesday 12 August 2015


For the background to the post below, please go here.

Earlier this year, we circulated the Fair Food petition to support workers in our fresh food industry to end exploitation and create decent, secure jobs. We're sending this email as part of that campaign.


Dear Friends,

Yesterday, a small group of farm workers attended a National Farmers Federation (NFF) forum in Canberra on "industry solutions to worker exploitation." The NFF conveniently forgot to invite farm workers to speak at the event, but workers, with their union, decided to show up!

These workers bravely told their story in Canberra and pushed NFF members to end the underpayments, sexual abuse, long hours and intimidation.

As workers fight for a seat at the table in Canberra, let's show the farm industry that Australians have these workers' backs. Ask friends and family members to add their names to the Fair Food petition. 

The National Union of Workers (NUW) is committed to seeing decent and secure jobs that provide a living wage across Australia’s fresh food supply chain. Since the Fair Food campaign began, many more workers have joined the NUW and have begun campaigning for respect and fair wages at work. 

We've had some wins, too!

Workers at Covino in Victoria are now being employed directly and the dodgy labour hire contractor can no longer continue underpaying or abusing workers there. De Vine Ripe tomato workers have also been offered direct employment, and are finally earning the legal minimum wage.

Together, we're changing Australia's food industry.

There are big hurdles ahead, and workers have got a lot of work to do to make the two major supermarkets listen. Coles and Woolworths dominate the fresh food industry -- any solution to ending worker exploitation cannot be reached without their full participation.

Our action in Canberra, with Coles and Woolworths representatives in the room, is the first step to get Coles and Woolworths to pay attention to farm workers' concerns.

Let's show Coles, Woolworths and the entire farm industry that Australia wants an end to farm worker exploitation. Take a few moments to share the Fair Food petition with friends and family members to help us reach our goal of 10,000

Thanks for all that you're doing to support Australian farm workers,

From the whole NUW team!

P.S. Check out workers speaking up in Canberra right now on Twitter with #OzFairFood

National Union of Workers started this petition on Coworker. If there's an issue close to your heart that you'd like to campaign on, you can start your campaign here.

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