Wednesday 29 July 2015

Take up the Tutu challenge --- Forgiveness Day, 2 August 2015

Forgiveness Day 2015 - Aug 2, 2015

Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance
Spreading Forgiveness Around the World

Sunday, August 2, 2015 • 7 pm
at Unity Marin • Novato
The Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance (WFA), founding organization of International Forgiveness Day, is sponsoring its 19th Annual International Forgiveness Day Awards Ceremony on Sunday August 2, 2015. WFA focuses on providing training in the techniques of forgiveness as well as in the knowledge of the psychological, physiological, emotional and spiritual benefits of the forgiveness process. WFA also promotes the spread of awareness and knowledge of the scientific findings related to forgiveness.
This year people all over the world will be synchronized in our celebration of Forgiveness Day. We have made some amazing global allies with the most recent being an organization called: The Moment of Calm . 
On the 2nd of August 2015 The Moment of Calm are asking that you take a moment to forgive. Last year 1.7 Million people took that moment. So on the 2nd Of August at 2 pm  wherever you are you are invited to take 2 minutes to Forgive someone! See below to learn more

This year on Forgiveness day we could have 2 million people practicing Forgiveness!
You are the Forgiveness Alliance, people working to bring more forgiveness to this world and we value your support. Please attend and bring a friend! Together using the power of forgiveness we will change the world!
More info: 415-261-1393

Order Tickets for Forgiveness Day 2015 - $20.00

2015 Heroes and Champion of Forgiveness

2015 Champion of Forgiveness

Facing The Painful Challenges Of The Year Of Forgiveness!

Once the power of forgiveness is introduced every hidden upset shows up


2015 Hero of Forgiveness

She Forgave the Hate-Driven Men Who Almost Killed Her

Now Her Music Has Made Her a Healing Angel to the World.


Our Heroes and Champions

Tutu Global Forgiveness Challenge and Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance Invite You to Join the Movement!

Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and international statesman for reconciliation and forgiveness has announced the launching of his global Forgiveness Challenge starting on May 4, 2014.
Click on our Forgiveness Challenge link below and sign up to become an activist for forgiveness. On his website you’ll find answers to your questions about forgiveness and even learn how to forgive! Remember, the act of forgiving can bring more love and peace to your life.
When enough of us forgive—we can change the world!

The Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance is a non-profit organization whose mission is to evoke the healing spirit of Forgiveness worldwide.

We declare that "Forgiveness Is the Greatest Healer of Them All" and that "Without Forgiveness There Is No Future".

Mission Statement

The Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax-deductible organization whose mission is to evoke the healing spirit of Forgiveness worldwide. We declare that “Forgiveness Is the Greatest Healer of Them All” (1) and that “Without Forgiveness There Is No Future”(2)
To accomplish this far-reaching mission we have set the following goals:
  • To establish an International Forgiveness Day in every village and hamlet across the world by the year 2025.
  • To bring the curative powers of forgiveness to the elderly, to youth, to chemically dependent and/or abused women, men and children through classes, workshops and seminars.
  • To promote the practice of forgiveness as a Life Skill and to develop curriculum, classes and workshops for children, youth and adults of all ages.
  • To develop training programs to certify counselors as “Forgiveness Life Skill Teachers.”
  • To create forgiveness workshops and seminars in corporations to effectuate breakthroughs and help increase net profits. The benefits of forgiveness training breakthroughs make possible more creative, stress-free and happy job relationships which can increase net profits.
  • To promote and publicize the research findings that Forgiveness creates better health, abundance and ease, more joy, greater optimism and hope and lessens depression, stress, illness, disease. Forgiveness also opens one to more lasting, happy, supportive relationships.
  • To help develop and conduct further research to quantify and codify the powerful effects of the applied practice of forgiveness in a multiplicity of settings.
  • To create entertainment/learning events (Forgiveness Film Festivals, Forgiveness Concerts, etc) in communities around the world.
1 Dr. Gerald Jampolsky
2 Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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