Tuesday 19 May 2015

Part 4: 'Slaving Away' outfall and fall-out : Woolworths admits moral responsibiity at Senate Inquiry : still refusing to meet workers and the National Union of Workers

Cross-posted with Advocacy

NUW National Union of WorkersUNITY IS STRENGTH Call 1300 275 689
Dear Brigid
Today saw NUW members speak at the first Senate Inquiry into Australia's temporary work visas. The NUW remains firm:
  • Coles and Woolworths have the power to fix this
  • Labour hire agencies need to be regulated
  • No workers should be forced to work for poverty wages in our fresh food supply chain
  • We cannot allow a two-class system to remain in Australia. Every worker counts!
Woolworths also appeared at today's Senate Inquiry, and admitted moral responsibility for underpaid farm workers.

However, Woolworths are still refusing to meet with workers and the NUW to talk about a Fair Food Agreement to eradicate exploitation from our fresh food. Help put the pressure on and sign the petition here!

And remember, we all have friends and family that can help. Share this petition with your community.

NUW's Godfrey Moase, Winnie Lin, Caterina Cinanni, Sherry Huang and George Robertson with Senator Sue Lines and Senator Deborah O'Neill

If you haven't watched the Four Corners program that exposed exploitation, you can watch it here.
In unity,
Tim Kennedy
National Secretary
National Union of Workers
National Union of Workers
Email: nuwassist@nuw.org.au
Call: 1300 275 689
National: 833 Bourke St, Docklands VIC 3008
Click here for office locations
Website: www.nuw.org.au

© Copyright National Union of Workers

Previous posts referencing this topic 
can be found on this site at:

Part 1 - Slavery in Australia. Is the 'Let 'er rip" attitude on visas for overseas workers going to be stopped? The Robinvale experience

Part 2 - Names have been named in "Slaving Away".  Here they are recorded below and their responses.

Part 3: The conscious consumer becomes the aware and ethical shopper.  Destroy the slavers from the checkouts of Australia!

What are you buying? How did it get to you?  Whose hands has it passed through?


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