Thursday 14 May 2015

Brandishing Brandis knows no bounds. Now he is throwing his weight around in The Yartz!

This man probably holds these views honestly -
because he thinks he is the best arbitrator of our thoughts -
and our arts.

Miss Eagle is a former Queenslander.
She doesn't wish to return to the bad politics and racism that are still there.
And, of course, there is Brandis.

Miss Eagle has lived in Sydney and Melbourne 
and knows how egocentric each can be -
as if the sun rises only in these two places.

It is nice to hear of good things happening in the arts in Brisbane -
but Brandis! 
Brandis bullying The Yartz?!
Siphoning money off to spend on his pleasure at his leisure.
I know Brandis has been flaunting himself around
various Brisbane arts institutions for years -
but does his ego have to be inflicted on the rest of us?!

Dear Arts Colleagues and Friends,
As you will know by now, Federal Arts Minister George Brandis has taken $104.8 million off the Australia Council, over four years, to start a National Centre for Excellence run by his own office. This will decimate the Australia Council's discretionary budget, and has threatened the new programs and initiatives that started only this year.
1. Please write to your local federal MP to tell them how poor this decision is, and how it threatens the fundamental democratic process of arts funding. It doesn't matter what political party they are from, they represent you and your interests.
> Click on:
> Put in your postcode, and it will give you the contact details for your local MP.
2. Get busy on social media: ‪#‎FreeTheArts‬
3. Sign the petition: (this is still under construction at time of writing, so please check back at the end of the day to add your name).

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