Wednesday 15 April 2015

What a surprise? Former military personnel (looking much like bikies) display racist, Islamophobic behaviour in the company of Pauline Hanson

This picture from The Guardian
Please read the article that goes with the pic for more info

We share your disbelief.

Wilson Security Nauru Detention Centre Emergency Response Team pictured here with Pauline Hanson at Anti - Muslim, racist "Reclaim Australia" Rally.

Remember the Abbott Government wants to give guards in detention centres the right to use physical force against asylum seekers with total impunity. Imagine that. What do you think?

The men have been temporarily suspended (because it's become public). 

Here's the source, the Guardian newspaper
(which has named these people in the photo):

P.S Wilson Security is the same company that owns and runs Wilson Parking.
You may not have personal contact with Wilson Security
but it is not difficult to have personal contact with Wilson Parking.
Please consider before becoming a customer of Wilson Parking.

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