Wednesday 15 April 2015

TYRANTS IN SECRET: Australia hides behind secret information from foreign governments - which may well be tyrants and truth slayers!

Walking for Freedom are at it again! 

We will be walking for 30 hours for the 30 ASIO negative refugees who are still indefinitely detained in Australia. So get your walking shoes ready and join us this May! 

We will be walking in Melbourne CBD starting at the ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) offices, and walking down the city streets (walking route to be announced closer to the date!) And just to be clear, we are not requiring anyone to walk the entire time! We will be walking in shifts!

Australia has found these 30 people to be refugees fleeing war and persecution. However, ASIO have given these people negative clearance assessments- claiming that they may be a security threat to Australia. ASIO do not have to inform the people of why they think they are a threat. The refugees are not given any chance to dispute or explain the claims against them.

As they were granted refugee status, Australia cannot deport them to their home countries and because of their negative assessments from ASIO, they cannot be released into the Australian community.

For some it is now the beginning of their sixth year in detention. Six years of their lives have been taken from them. No one knows when they will be released.

This is will be a peaceful event, conducted in the spirit and tradition of nonviolence. Feel free to come and participate for however long you are able!

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