Monday 20 August 2012

Environment data refutes Business Council of Australia demands to ease environment regulations and costs

Back in April 10 this year
The document is posted below for Networkers
to read online or download for themselves.

Those concerned for environmental safeguards need to read this.

Across the eastern seaboard of mainland Australia
the natural world on which we all subsist is under grave threat.
It has been under threat for some time 
because of humans going hell for leather.

Now, it seems, that the three Liberal National Party governments
of Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland
are going hell for leather as well.
Business is placing demands on all governments,
including the Australian Government.
The demands of business are in the document below.

However, some economists are striking back 
at business arguments at the behest of 
a group of environmental organisations.
That response is also posted below the BCA document.
Please read.
Please make up your own minds, Networkers.
Please comment.

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1 comment:

  1. Interesting to see Bimblebox (under the heading "China First" in the list of projects they have reviewed.


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