Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Intervention never stops: NT Consultations Report 2011 - By Quotations

From Georgina Gartland, of 'concerned Australians':

Please find below new book report, NT Consultations Report 2011: By Quotations (February 2012 ).  It is in similar style to This is What We Said (Feb 2010) and Walk With Us (2011).

It is very pertinent now as the SF Northern Territory Bill 2011 and two related bills Senate Inquiry (these bills extend the NT Intervention) has just commenced.

Hoping you may also include and help advertise (in your next newsletter and throughout your networks) this book is available. You may wish to point to the current senate inquiry, your own submission / to others especially those of NT Aboriginal Groups, a few noted below. To date there ave been 238 submissions received and more to be added.

The ‘concerned Australians ’submission is no 87.

Submission no. 40 is NT Elders & Community Representatives - listen to whole video (first 1- 2 minutes stops and start slightly) it is really worth listening to in whole . And, also written submission no. 29 of Elders and Community of Ramingining . These are most important as the later two are from Aboriginal people living under the NT Intervention.

We hope to support Aboriginal people attending the hearings - purchasing these books will inform you and also help towards this. Note there is an option for bulk orders please see order form below which can be downloaded directly from this post. (Previous books can be ordered by downloading order form from www.concernedaustralians.com.au.)

Thank You
 Georgina Gartland
'concerned Australians

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