Wednesday 8 February 2012

Cut, cut Qantas! Won't share the pie in Australia

Qantas is Australia's national flag-carrier.  
If anybody had never heard of Qantas outside Australia, 
many did when Dustin Hoffman made it famous in the movie, Rain Man

Keeping Qantas from crashing is now a doubly important factor in its operations: safety and public relations.  The Qantas record is a matter of national pride, but it is a record which is being eroded on daily basis.  Servicing by Australian staff has gradually been taken over by Asia and Asian staff being paid Asian wages.  In short, there is a race for the wages bottom which could imperil - and, it is believed by many, often does imperil - passenger safety.  Cut, cut, cut is the name of the game in international airlines - and the flying public is complicit in this.

People in the British Commonwealth have been led to believe that slavery was abolished in 1833 and later in the USA after the American Civil War.  Slavery exists to-day every time a wage is run down and diminished; when a labour market is oversupplied, work is scarce, and people offer themselves for cut-rate labour prices.

Qantas has now become party to this attitude.  It is a deliberate company policy.  It is personified by its CEO, Alan Joyce, who implements Qantas Board policies - including a strong anti-union attitude - under the leadership of Leigh Clifford.  Australian corporate watcher, Stephen Mayne, sums up the attitudes of Joyce and Clifford here.

Picture below from here.

All this is a lead in to suggest to Networkers that they pop over here to read an excellent article by barrister and human rights lawyer, Jocelynn Scutt.

Further reading:

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