Monday 30 January 2012

Tess Lawrence and The Victorian Injustice System - Part 2: Tess tries to get her house back

I first published the material below on 14 January 2012.  Tess has published this piece in the journal for which she writes, Independent Australia, to-day 30 January 2012.  It gives great insight into the effects of this crisis on one individual. 

2 February 2012.  I have posted to-day here on Tess's appearance in court to get an extension of her appeal against bankruptcy.  Please go to the post to see a description of the systemic flaws which work against self-representing litigants.

You may recall this post about Tess Lawrence and her battle with the National Australia Bank.  Tess has sent me this video about the current status of her plight. Tess says:

Dear Brigid, 

Could you please help and circulate this far and wide. I am still trying to find out
where my belongings are - and the police won't help me.

kind regards,

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