Wednesday 25 January 2012

Short changing animals in the Live Animal Export Trade : tell the Australian Government where priorities lay

More videos from Animals Australia

Emanuel Exports Pty Ltd, based in Perth, is a major exporter of Australian livestock. They boast revenues of A$100 million.  Emanuel faced cruelty charges in 2008.   The charges related to breaches of the Animal Welfare Act between November 10 and 14, 2003, during the shipment of more than 100,000 sheep to the Middle East.  Evidence to bring these charges was collected by Animals Australia.   The charges were proven and the magistrate found Emanuel guilty of animal cruelty.

Now this multi-million dollar live exporter is complaining:
Emanual Exports director Graham Daws said orders from Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig to apply the same processes used for tracking live cattle exports to Indonesia across other export markets by the end of February were "way too ambitious.
Lyn White of Animals Australia has returned serve on these comments:
Animals Australia investigator Lyn White last night hit out at Mr Daws' request for more time, declaring some exporters have sent tens of millions of animals to these markets for thirty years and it was "appalling" they could not ensure by March that animals would receive even the most basic level of welfare standards. 
Kelvin Thompson, Labor Member for Wills - a politician not afraid to buck the party line on a matter of principle - has commented on his blog.

You, dear Networkers, can have your say.  The Australian Government has a Live Animal Taskforce.  I am sorry for such short notice - but submissions to it close to-day so you will need to get cracking.  However, if you can't get your submission in to-day I would still take a punt and email the Taskforce anyway.  Failing that please flood the minister, Joe Ludwig, with your views.

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Further Reading:

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