Wednesday 25 January 2012

Extending the NT Intervention: please make a submission by 1 February 2012

From Sabine Kacha: 

There is only one week left to voice your opposition to the extension of key NT Intervention measures for another 10 years as of this year. The planned extension of these measures will allow for the continuation of massive human rights violations towards Aboriginal people. One measure, Income Management, has already been announced to be rolled out further in other areas outside the Northern Territory. 

Please show your support and have your voice heard and encourage others, organizations and groups to do the same. Even if it is just a few sentences, please do make a submission due by 1 February 2012.

Submissions can be sent per the Senate Committee’s website: 

by email to: 

or by mail to:
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Canberra, ACT 2600.
Ph: 02 6277 3515.

Also, please find attached documents with links to further info about the new policies, Aboriginal Elders voices and for Taking Action, a letter from Barbara Shaw - calling on the Australian Human Rights Commission to request that the government withdraw its proposed legislation and instead work in genuine partnership with Aboriginal people in the NT - as well as a brief summary of the proposed new laws.

Even if your submission may not influence policy makers, at least it will go on the public record. The more organizations, groups and individuals will make a submission, the stronger the case will be against the new legislation.

Many thanks for your kind consideration and taking action on this vital issue.

Best regards,

Sabine Kacha
points which could be mentioned:
- S91 - customary law
- licensing of stores is still being considered a special measure
- what is food security, access to affordable food
- whole process to expand licensing is not about securing food
- cuts to bilingual education
- mandatory income management
- loss of control and self-determination
- destruction of culture and identity
- homelands/outstation policy
- housing

The bottom line is, the Intervention hasn't worked. The new laws are not what people wanted, were never discussed at consultations and they will only make the situation worse.

Whoever may not feel confident enough to make these statements, could just call for withdrawal of the legislation and the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
More info can be found at:

Request to AHRC 16.1.12.pdfRequest to AHRC 16.1.12.pdf
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