Thursday 15 October 2015

Live exporters have no legal obligation to ensure the welfare of Australian dairy cows once overseas, leaving our animals vulnerable to rough handling, abuse and cruel slaughter.

The Dairy Loophole

This week we saw what happens to Australian animals who are ‘protected’ by live export regulations. Imagine what happens to the animals who don’t even qualify for protection.

This is the case for the 90,000 dairy cows who are exported live every year from Australia.
Even though they are exposed to the same risks and suffering as animals exported for slaughter, dairy cows and their calves are excluded from the most basic live export standards once they arrive at their destination.
Live exporters have no legal obligation to ensure the welfare of Australian dairy cows once overseas, leaving our animals vulnerable to rough handling, abuse and cruel slaughter.
These dairy cows are the forgotten victims of the live export trade. The Government says it is too hard to protect them. We say it’s time to end the trade. Add your voice to the campaign to end dairy cow exports. 

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