Friday 23 October 2015

Financial porn from AdSense via Google

I have a Facebook friend who lives in Zimbabe.  I am rather fond of Zimbabwe having visited the country some years ago for a short time.  It is a beautiful place - and Harare is wonderful around this time when the Jacarandas are in bloom in streets and garden.  Zimbabwe could be a substantial food bowl. It has mineral resources. It has the marvellous Victoria Falls and other sites to attract tourists.   The people are lovely - except for those who are corrupt or have a political dictatorship mentality.

I read the article and then below the article were the click on adds
of which I have published a screenshot below.

Now I do know that there are no controls over the ads.
They come up automatically.
Were they designed to be seen only in Australia?
Or, what I believe, would be worse -
can they be seen in Zimbabe?

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