Tuesday 21 July 2015

Join Friends of the Earth at the ALP Conference in Melbourne : Say NO to the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and YES to Renewable Energy.

Friends of the Earth Melbourne
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The ALP National Conference is in town and there is a lot at stake. We need strong alternatives to the Abbott Government, we need the Australian Labor Party (ALP) to map out how they will stand for environmental and social justice.
That is why FoE will be rallying this Friday and Saturday at the ALP National Conference to say NO to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
and YES to safe jobs from renewable energy.

Please keep an eye out at both events and rally with us under the Friends of the Earth banner (and bring your own placards too).

tpp6-trojan-horse_(1).jpgRALLY: Say NO to the TPP!

Organised by the TPP Unions & Community Roundtable Coalition, this is a "welcome" rally outside the conference asking ALP delegates to support the unions' and communities' call to release the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership text and remove Investor State Dispute Settlement from any proposed trade agreements. Unless these very reasonable conditions are met by the government we ask for ALP delegates to call for an immediate withdrawal from negotiations.

Event details:When: 8am - 9am, Friday 24 July.

Where: Outside the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (enter off Clarendon Street and head towards South Wharf – near the Polly Woodside).

Dr Pat Ranald (AFTINET)
Ged Kearney (ACTU President)
Dr Deborah Gleeson (Public Health, La Trobe University)
Kelvin Thompson (ALP MP for Wills and deputy chairperson on the Joint Standing Committee On Treaties)
Fran Murrell (MADGE)
Erin McCallum ( GETUP Political Director)

Facilitator: Sam Castro (Friends of the Earth)

Come listen to the speeches and help us hand out badges and fliers to the delegates. They will be holding the formal debate on trade around midday and it is going to be hotly contested. Let's show that we care!

How to get there: enter off Clarendon Street and head towards South Wharf (near the Polly Woodside). We will be starting on time as delegates need to be in the conference by 9am.
Say NO to the TPP and RSVP NOW on Facebook


RALLY: Say YES to Renewable Energy!

The Abbott government is sabotaging Australia’s renewable energy future. Not content with its savage 20% cut to the national Renewable Energy Target, the government has dictated to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation that it can no longer invest in wind farms and rooftop solar power.

The Abbott government’s attack threatens thousands of jobs, sets up barriers for communities who want to go renewables, and makes it more difficult to tackle global warming.

Friends of the Earth will join other organisations and a push by rank-and-file Labor party members calling on the Opposition to commit to a national Renewable Energy Target of at least 50% by 2030.

Will you join FoE, clean energy workers, community leaders, and thousands of voters, to show the ALP Australia is ready for leadership on clean renewable power?

Event Details:

When: 11am - 12pm, Saturday 25 July.
Where: Melbourne Convention Centre, 1 Convention Centre Place South Wharf, Melbourne, Victoria 3006, Australia (Google map and directions).
The ALP must step up to provide the necessary vision and policy settings to put Australia on a path to a cleaner, fairer economy that tackles the challenge of climate change.
RSVP here to join us on Saturday at the rally.

We can't wait to see you there - and don't forget to come find us rallying together under the FoE banner!

Friends of the Earth Melbourne
Friends of the Earth Melbourne · 312 Smith St, Collingwood , VIC 3066, Australia
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