Tuesday 24 March 2015

The cheque's in the mail for selected Aboriginal communities ... but we don't know who yet!!! #Scullion

Nigel Scullion speaks, releasing details of the lucky ones under his 'cut them off at the knees' model of funding Aboriginal communities, programs and services.

The document issued by Scullion to-day says:
The list of organisations recommended for funding under the IAS grant funding round is available on the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

That's what it says.  Have been to the website and cannot locate the list.  If you have much more success in locating this, let me know and I will publish it.  Otherwise, till then, I think it may be a bit like the cheque is in the mail --- along with the Prime Minister's oft spruiked pension rise which has either not occurred or is indiscernible.  Are Tony Abbott's cheques bouncing?

Anyway, good luck to those who are included in the Indigenous Advancement Strategy of the LibNat Government.  Commiserations to the excluded.

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