Monday 4 August 2014

From the concern of the men who thought the war might end before they got there - to the sensibilities of early 20th century women

Does it occur to Networkers how tired we might get of the story of the First World War as we commemorate its centenary?  I am not complaining ... yet.  

So far I have noted with quiet pleasure that people are giving accounts of other lives than glorious, tragic ANZACS and the tragedy of the Western Front.  

We are getting to hear something of the German experience in Australia; of Australians and New Zealanders taking charge of the German colonies in the Pacific.  The doubtful glories of war are what usually take up the broadcast space so it is most welcome to hear of other events, of our social history under the impact of war, of the contradictions of an Australia that twice voted against conscription but seemed eager to embrace a far away war.  

What is going to provide some relief in all this, I feel, is the work of Geraldine Robertson who seems to be in the mould of the feminists and peace lovers of a century ago.  

You too, dear Networker, can get on Geraldine's mailing list to get the gems of her research and knowledge.


Once a week from now till the end of 2019 I will pass on to you something women working for peace thought and did about the first world war.
4/11 August 1914, Vida Goldstein from the Women’s Political Association in Melbourne, Australia -

‘The food supplies of the world must cease when the hands that reap and sow are occupied in the work of slaying men ...
Let us not be blinded by the excuse that this is a war for liberty.
We shall curb on one autocracy only to give power to another, still more dangerous,
and we are fastening upon all the European workers a debt of countless millions,
and a burden of famine and disease which war brings in its train ...
It is my earnest hope that women in all parts of the world will stand together,
demanding a more reasonable and civilised way of dealing with international disputes.’

Geraldine Robertson

Women's Web - Women's Stories, Women's Actions  

Women Working Together suffrage and onwards 

Prejudice and Reason

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