Friday 17 January 2014

Can the art of social media be turned into a science - taking money from your pocket and putting it into mine?

Does conversation about consumerism, the desire for the latest, the biggest, the best leave you cold?  You don't feel that anyone is targetting you.  And even if they are targetting you, you think that you are sufficiently intelligent to withstand their predations.

From The Green Market Oracle
Just in case this brief description is you, I thought you might like to read how it is done. How you are targetted.  Now, I love social media.  I approve of legitimate not-for-profits who do a heap of good by targetting people, including me, to enable their work. But let's not kid ourselves.  This particularly genie-in-the-bottle is out and is being used by all and sundry. Many, many people are trying to turn the art of social media into a science in the hope that this will reveal a treasure map with a guaranteed result - your money into their pocket!

If you haven't already noticed, what all of them try to do - even the Big Names - is that when you go on to a new social media they ask you to let them send an email to all your contact list. An absent-minded tick in that little box can drag you into something which many of your friends will find alienating!

So read carefully .... and, above all, THINK!
Social Media Community Relations
02:56 (9 hours ago)
to me

LinkedIn Groups

  • Group: Social Media Community Relations
  • Subject: The secret to turning Facebook fans into real PAYING customers… a great free brand new guide from HubSpot
With over 1 billion users, Facebook serves as a great platform for reaching your business's ideal customer. But what are the best ways to turn that audience into actual paying customers? The key is engaging your fans and drawing them to your website before carefully guiding them through a carefully designed marketing funnel that gets them to pull out their wallet and BUY something! Learn how in HubSpot's latest ebook on Facebook marketing. No tricks, no gimmicks, just a scientifically proven, logical, step-by-step progression from interest to purchase.

Get your copy here now:

Everything that HubSpot offers is really top-notch. You’ll find that everyone on this list LOVES their material. So they have stepped up to the plate and are also giving away another gem here:

Bonus offer: Get “75 Free Stock Photos” as a bonus offer from HubSpot.

Limited time offer, get yours now:

You can download BOTH absolutely free. And not only that, you can forward this email to your friends and colleagues and let them share in the information too.

Here's to your success!

Tyler Crosson
Director, Social Media
Social Media Marketing Group on LinkedIn
Posted By Tyler Crosso

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