Thursday 5 December 2013

Successive Australian Govts have introduced life-changing policies for Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory resulting in frustration and the re-introduction of whitefella paternalism. Time for Treaty - yeah!

 ‘In the Absence of Treaty’
 December 2013

‘In the Absence of Treaty’ defines how, through changes to legislation and by engaging Aboriginal peoples in decision-making without access to independent advice, control is slipping away from them.

This book explores the current inadequacy of the processes used in engaging Aboriginal people. The Australia government has continued to blatantly ignore the recommendations of its own committees in this regard. 

For anyone wanting to explore more deeply the reasons for the ongoing and growing frustration of many Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory, In The Absence of Treaty provides a concise but incisive account from recent reports. In doing this it hints at possibly the only solution – treaties.

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