Tuesday 22 October 2013

Dale Hess Calendar 13-10-21

Tuesday 22 October, 7 pm sharp: Climate Change vs. Nukes: Screening Climate of Hope andWomen of Fukushima. Discussion with Jim Green, Friends of the Earth. Free event. Venue: Longplay Bar and Cinema, 318 St Georges Road, North Fitzroy. Full program and more details at the Facebook event here.

Wednesday 23 October, 9.30 am – 11.30 am: Linking Asylum Seekers with Volunteering OpportunitiesMORELAND CITY COUNCIL, 90 Bell StreetCoburg ( Concert Hall, entry from Council foyer) parking off Urquhart St. - Mel ref: 17 J12. Contact: Anne Gedye, Community Strengthening Officer, Moreland City Council, agedye@moreland.vic.gov.au or phone: 9240 2367


Thursday 24 October, 5.30 pm for 6 pm start: Film screening of 'From Fear to Freedom: Ending Violence Against Women'. The film will be followed by a public forum on how to address this global epidemic. Panelists: Stephen Fontana, Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police; Roscel Diego, Gender Advisor, International Programs, World Vision; Murray McInnis, Director and Lead Ambassador (Legal Sector), White Ribbon; Fran O’Toole, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director of Services, Berry StreetFacilitator: Professor Jacqui True, Professor of Politics & International Relations, Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Arts, Monash University. Deakin Edge, Federation SquareMelbourneFree event. RSVP essential. REGISTER ONLINE NOW

Friday 25 October, 2 pm – 3 pm: Wurundjeri Stories Event. Reconciliation and landcare supporters, as well as local residents, community groups, churches and schools are warmly invited to join the Wurundjeri Elders at a very special ceremonial event at the Bukkertilibul Dreaming Site at Wittons Reserve in Wonga Park. The site is known as a sacred women's space and ancient dreaming site, and is possibly the most significant Aboriginal site in the area. The ceremony will involve a welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, and a cleansing ceremony, dance and song performed by the Wurundjeri women, who will share their connection to this sacred space to help build knowledge and future care for this sacred site, 'Bukkertilibul'. Please join us to support and celebrate our unique Wurundjeri cultural heritage at Wittons Reserve, Reserve RoadWonga Park. This is a free event, no bookings required.

Monday 28 October, 7 pm – 8 pm:  Webinar on Renewables. Things are unfolding fast in the renewables campaigning world, and it is high time we got together for an update on the priorities for 100% and Solar Citizens. Low down from 100% Renewable National Director,Lindsay Soutar, and update on next steps for 100% and Solar Citizens. Register:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5266473034304243969 

Friday 1 November, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm: ICAN film screening: FALLOUT. FALLOUT is the documentary that explores the iconic filming of Nevil Shute's novel 'On The Beach' in Melbourne in the late 50s. Shute’s novel depicts the last huddle of humanity preparing to die as a cloud of nuclear fallout drifts towards Australia. World leaders instructed each other to read it, and Hollywood liberal Stanley Kramer headed to Melbourne to make a star-studded film of it which staring Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire and Anthony Perkins. Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon StreetCarlton.

Sunday 3 November, 6.30 pm: Premier of film: Mary Meets Mohammad. This film follows the arrival of Tasmania’s first detention centre through the eyes of local Christian woman and knitting club member Mary and Muslim Afghan Hazara asylum seeker Mohammad, who is detained inside the centre, as they connect through the gift of a knitted beanie. Venue: Kino at45 Collins Street with a filmmaker Q&A after the screening. On Thursday 7 November, 7 pm: Special Q&A after; screening with film composer David Bridie & Filmmaker. On Friday 8November, 7 pm: Q&A after screening with QC Julian Burnside & filmmaker. Please book, limited seats, & encourages more sessions to be scheduled! Phone (03) 9650 2100 to book tickets or go online here:
Tuesday 12 November, 7 pm sharp: 17,300 Nuclear Weapons: Screening Maralinga PiecesGenie in a bottle: Unleashed and The War Game. Discussion with Dimity Hawkins, Tim Wright (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) and Gisela Gardener. Free event. Venue: Longplay Bar and Cinema, 318 St Georges Road, North Fitzroy. Full program and more details at the Facebook eventhere.

Wednesday 13 November, 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm: Human Rights Under Threat in AustraliaSpirit of Eureka (Melbourne) together with Rob Stary & Associates are organising a public forum. Speakers so far include: Ged Kearney, ACTU President; David Manne, Human Rights Lawyer, Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre; Humphrey McQueen, activist historian. Invitations to speak have also been sent to Julian Burnside and Robert Richter. The forum will be chaired by Rob Stary, democratic rights lawyer. The forum has been endorsed by Liberty Victoria, IPAN, and several other community organisations. The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. Further info:Shirley 0417 456 001.

Tuesday 26 November, 7 pm sharp: Muckaty and Radioactive Waste: Screening Muckaty Voicesand Into Eternity. Discussion with Dave Sweeney, Australian Conservation Foundation. Free event. Venue: Longplay Bar and Cinema, 318 St Georges Road, North Fitzroy. Full program and more details at the Facebook event here.

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