Thursday 29 August 2013

Rode Rage fundraising for Kids in Cambodia and Wildlife in Thailand

Dear Campaigners,

Please find above details of our upcoming Trivia Night on Friday October 4th to raise funds for our Khmer Rode RAGE project ( ) to bring a team from the Cambodian Children's Trust to the RACV Energy Breakthrough in November this year and to raise funds for the ongoing work of CCT ( )and the Wilderness Friends Foundation Thailand ( ).

Last year's event was a great success and we again anticipate a night of great fun and entertainment which would make an excellent end of week staff function or as a lead in to a bigger night out for the more adventurous :)   .... you have fun, a local kids program is supported and Cambodian kids and Thai elephants and tigers get fed and cared for.... win-win-win.

We would be extremely grateful if you were able to organise a table (or 2 or 3) for this event and if you could distribute/display this poster as widely as possible.  Bookings can be made by return e mail or phone.  Tables of 10 or smaller groups /individuals happily accommodated.  Perhaps we could use this as an opportunity for a post election BCN meeting and form up a table between us and partners??

Thanks and best wishes,

Tony Davidson 
Rode RAGE 

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