Friday 16 August 2013

Electoral affairs - seat of Ballarat: 4 women; 6 men; 3 public "Christians"; 1 sexologist; 2 egocentric parties; 1 conservative party parading as progressive; 2 LibLabs; 1 modern moderate party. Spoiled for choice?

Please note: 
two candidates are missing from these photographs of candidates in 
the Federal seat of Ballarat.
They are: Ana Rojas (but I found a Twitter site which I think is hers) and
Joshua Mathieson for whom I couldn't find a web presence.
Miss Eagle's view is that, in this day and age, when a candidate
can't rustle up a photograph in time for declaration day
there's something up - like coercing people in to make up the numbers.
If any Networkers have found a web presence for these two please be in touch.

This afternoon, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) released the names of candidates running in House of Representatives seats and their position on the HoR ballot papers.  

According to Ballarat's daily paper, The Courier, this is what the ballot papers for the seat of Ballarat will look like on election day, September 7:
·         1. Foster, Anne - Australian Christians
·         2. Rojas, Ana - Rise up Australia
·         4. Mathieson, Joshua - Sex Party
·         6. Fitzgibbon, John - Liberal Party
·         8. Murphy, Gerard - Palmer United Party
·         9. Clark, Shane - Family First
·         10. King, Catherine - Australia Labor Party
For the moment, I will leave Networkers who live in Ballarat to figure this out for themselves.  Over the next few weeks I plan to go through things with you - in a quite opinionated way, of course - to give some of my own insights on this state of affairs.  I hope you will answer me back affirmatively or negatively to give your own thoughts on the matter.  For those who can't be civil, please note abuse and bad language will not be tolerated.  It is expected that people will have a sufficient command of the English language to allow full expression of their thoughts anywhere on the spectrum without being insulting. 

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