Wednesday 14 August 2013

Digibiz does it for me

Dear Networkers, 

Yesterday got off to a marvellous start.  I attended a 7.30am event - Social Media B31Masterclass - organised by the wealth and experience embodied in Geraldine Carr-Macfie.

And Masterclass it was indeed!  I am sure we could have heard more and asked more questions but social media, how to use it, and understand it was well covered by some very talented presenters which included Dr Helen Thompson [Director, Centre for eCommerce and Communications (CeCC)], Erin McCluskey [Creative Director of Yum Studio], Jordan McPhan [Director of JRM SocialDigiBiz’s young and dynamic eMarketing consultant], and Noelene Gration [Director of Ascend Public Relations& Communications].

I have come home with a more detailed understanding of social media, its marketing utilization, and the length of its reach.

One thing I was pleased to note.  I don't mean to be sexist or female chauvinist with these remarks - but I think it is worth a comment.  Two-thirds of the packed conference room were female.  I counted them.  The presenters were all female.  

For me, this was noteworthy because I come from a generation of women who had to fight men for the computer/s.  In fact, computers cost many women their jobs and downgraded some very important administrative skills for which many people to-day still have regard but the particular skills are almost non-existent.  Men had never shown a territorial interest in typewriters - manual, electric, golf-ball, memory - but when computers came on the scene so many men used to think they had a divine right to computers.  

Is this female dominance a peculiarity of social media?  I don't know  - but figures are quoted about the number of older females who use Facebook. 

Women, in the main, are social creatures and good communicators; good at articulation and verbalization.  Perhaps, social media is a natural fit - even for the busiest of women.  Perhaps, we have found our niche with Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest and...

But how best to use this media? Can we use it constructively? Can we generate income? Yesterday proved the point for me.  Social media is a new world - a new world which brings a similar impact to Christopher Columbus discovering the world was round with the discovery of the Americas.  Human communication has reached a new level.  It is no longer flat and limited and its extent bounded by a sign saying "Here be dragons!".  Communication is now curved, extensive, and - so it seems - boundless as it criss-crosses the known universe on earth and in space.  

And if, perchance, you think I exaggerate. I don't. Dr Helen Thompson showed us the new ways we can look at our world, our continent when she displayed for us UB Spatial. Prowl around this site and you will see what I mean.

Postscript:  This marvellous free seminar was made possible the Australian Government and it provides for our government a means of promoting the NBN and getting Australians ready to make the best use of this first-class service. Please get on the Digibiz mailing list so you too can participate in this free training.

As I finished this post, an email popped into my GMail from Gerrie which Networkers might find useful ~~~~~~~~
Greetings DigiBiz friends,

Your participation in the DigiBiz B31 Social Media MasterClass this morning invigorated this learning opportunity.  We hope that you also enjoyed sharing information and hearing tips from our Panel of Experts- the wonderful Erin, Jordan and Noelene.

Please find attached our DigiBiz ‘Internet Use Policy’ and ‘Social Media Policy’ templates to assist you in creating a policy for use in your business.  Our ‘DigiBiz Social Media Tips Sheet’ will be published online over coming days.

Register now for more DigiBiz:
‘Social Media Mentoring’ is now advertised on the DigiBiz website and is open for registrations:


If you need help with the basics of Social Media / want to explore any of our other topics- browse our site for Workshops and register:


Contact us to tell us what new Digital Enterprise topics we could introduce. If the demand is there we can respond and tailor workshops to industry needs. We will continue to advise you of new initiatives through Social Media and on our website.  DigiBiz Updates will be forwarded via email.

Breaking News:
An updated version of Eric Qualman’s ‘Social Media Revolution’ has been released:

The statistics are astonishing but at Digibiz we miss the ‘punchy’ music of old.  We encourage you to go onto Twitter or facebook and tell us what you think.

We welcome your input and feedback as we continue to build Digital Enterprise capabilities in businesses and across the Central Highlands community.

Kind regards,

Hayley  &   Gerrie
Digital Enterprise Centre for eCommerce and Communications, University of Ballarat
Ph:  03 5327 6437


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