Saturday 17 August 2013

Australian Federal Election 2013 - 2: Aboriginal people can speak for themselves & Oz's First Nations Political Party is doing just that at this election

The material in this post has come from my friend, Georgina Gartland ~~~


I am sending some information along to your information.  If you are in the N.T Australia. or have links there please read.

Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM carried the report Loss of Rights, to the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at the UN in Geneva in 2010.  For several years now Rosalie has visited areas in the N.T. including Darwin and other Capital cities around Australia-Canberra, South Australia, Melbourne and Sydney and shared publicly her insights into the impacts of the NT Intervention on her people. She has grave concerns regarding the trauma that has been created and she has openly called on Government to change its approach and to return control to the communities.  Some Intervention  policies were extended for another 10 years under Stronger Futures legislation and other more punitive measures were introduced  in July 2012, despite widespread concerns.

Rosalie has decided to stand as a NT candidate for the Senate in an attempt to have her voice and the voice of first nations peoples heard more widely. You may be interested in Tuesday’s NITV news brief . I have heard Rosalie speak on numerous occasions and am helping on a personal level.

 Rosalie is standing under the umbrella of Australia’s First Political Party.  Her policies are attached/ below. If when you read them, you feel able to support her by either a donation to help cover her basic costs and or in helping throughout the election campaign e.g.  by circulating her policies onto  your N.T. contacts that would be wonderful.

Policy positions for Australia’s First Nations Political Party.

1. Roll back the effects of the intervention

Return control to Northern Territory communities to prioritise their own agendas, bring back the permit system, reinstate all full benefits and abolish compulsory basic cards, introduce a voluntary system similar to the Arnhem Land Progress Association’s food card. 

Re instate bilingual education in schools.

Re- direct the $109 million dollars spent in Canberra on managing basic cards to housing and amenities for Northern Territory remote communities.

2. Treaties

Recognise First Nations people’s rightful place in our traditional countries and establish a process for individual nations and traditional owners to negotiate specific treaties directly with the Government.

3. Caring for Country

Privileging traditional methods of caring for our environment by maintaining culture, language and ceremony in order to keep the country strong and our food and water sources secure.

We are opposed to the plan to house nuclear waste at Muckaty Station and techniques such as Fracking that can have lasting and irreversible effects on the Land and Environment.

Working together as a nation to actively reduce our carbon emissions as part of our global responsibility.

4. Cultural diversity

We stand for inclusiveness and celebrate cultural diversity in its many forms, this includes having compassion towards people seeking asylum in this country and other cultures already here.

That we celebrate our cultural diversity, multiple heritages and shared responsibilities by embracing traditional and contemporary cultures and values.

5. Economic development

That the Aboriginal Benefits Account be handed over to the Territory and administered by First Nations organisations for community purposes and business development opportunities for community groups, and individuals.

Create genuine opportunities for economic development through joint business ventures that are based on relationships, mutual respect and joint reciprocity.

There is an official poster that could be printed for N.T. Communities/ for venues around the NT/ NT polling booths on election day.  Please let me know if you would like this and if you live in the NT are able to help on election day or prior e.g. with how to vote cards , leaflet distribution etc.  Much help is required.  I can send material electronically-which you may print / forward on (an enormous help) or if required arrange for copies to go by mail. Postal details would be required asap  if they are to reach more remote locations in the N.T. on time; helping to get material out as far as possible is important .

A special account has been set up for Rosalie by her daughter to accept donations to cover Rosalie’s basic campaign costs.  I will send details on request.

Please get back to me if you can help in any way.

Thank You for your consideration

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