Saturday 20 July 2013

Rudd, Abbott & Co are not impelled by deaths at sea. They want refugees off their backs. Displacement will be here awhile.

  • By end 2012, the population under UNHCR’s responsibility was 35.8 million persons, taking account of new displacements, durable solutions, legal and demographic changes, improved availability of data, and revised estimates.
  • Over the past 10 years, more than 836,000 refugees have arrived in industrialized countries through resettlement programmes. They are not included in UNHCR’s refugee statistics owing to the fact that they have found a durable solution. They remain however of concern to UNHCR.
  • While UNHCR works to ensure that the rights and well-being of refugees are protected, the organization is also mandated to seek durable solutions that allow refugees to rebuild their lives in dignity and safety. There are three solutions for refugees: voluntary repatriation, local integration, or resettlement to a third country.
  • The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre estimated the global number of persons displaced by armed conflict, generalized violence and human rights violations at the end of 2012 at some 28.8 million, the highest number in more than two decades.
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