Saturday 6 July 2013

Letters about letters : Making a social event out of letter writing to pollies about refugees

This 1936 picture of a refugee writing home 
shows that refugees are always with us.
Read the story of how this photo was found here. 

Many of our asylum seekers are suffering 
in indefinite mandatory detention. 
They need our support.

Sending letters to politicians is one of the best ways 
of contacting our MPs, 
and hand written letters get the most attention.

 Please accept this invitation to join us 
next Tuesday morning and add your support.

There will be some suggestons to help you.  
Short, clear letters are best.

See you then

Dear All,

Next Tuesday, (2nd Tuesday of the month) is Writers' Group.
Eastwood Leisure Complex, Ballarat
Cafeteria room.
Time: 10 am - 12noon
Gold coin donation for room hire
pen, paper, envelopes, stamps

There is a lot of material from the Bendigo Forum
[held a week ago in Bendigo]
 to lobby our politicians about.  
Perhaps Bob Carr heads the list!

Hope to see you all there.


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