Tuesday 25 June 2013

Multicultural Arts Victoria coming this week and weekend to Ballarat - please join the fun and games. Poster below

From Anne Harkin at Multicultural Arts Victoria ~~~~

Hi Everybody, 

I am contacting all the people who attended the MAV Community Consultation held in Ballarat in August last year. 

At this consultation some of the ideas put forth were: to develop and promote cultural leaders and local artists. Also, people expressed that they wanted to be able to run cultural events and activities within the local community. 

As a result, there will be two days of free workshops on Friday and Saturday of this week, comprising 4 x 2 hour workshops on those topics…with free lunch included. 

Please check out the attached poster (See below for poster which can be downloaded) and ring or email Ekaterini Floratos, Project Coordinator, at community@multiculturalarts.com.au or 9188 3681 if you would like to attend. 

Please pass this on to your friends and contacts who may be interested. 

Anne Harkin 
Project Officer 

In the office Tuesdays & Wednesdays activities@multiculturalarts.com.au http://www.multiculturalarts.com.au/events2013/emerge_program_booklet.pdf 

Visit www.multiculturalarts.com.au 
Multicultural Arts Victoria 
South Melbourne Town Hall 
 Level 1, 208-220 Bank Street, 
South Melbourne 3205 
PO Box 5113 South Melbourne 3205 
T:03 9188 3681 
F:03 9686 6643 
M: 0400 121 014 
Skype: multiculturalartsvic 

Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter 


 For upcoming events please visit www.multiculturalarts.com.au 

Also below for reading online or downloading from this post
is information about Emerge Festival 2013

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