Tuesday 18 June 2013

Community, Connections, Creativity and Sustainability at OASES: A Schumacher College partner : Masters, short courses, events and talks

Transformative learning for sustainable living

June 2013   


Last weeks of our Annual Appeal

Please help us reach our goal of $10,000
by the end of June

Your contribution is tax-deductible

OASES is a world-renowned leader in education for sustainability.

- Since OASES was founded in 2006, we have developed a ground-breaking & fully accredited Masters program unlike any in Australia.

- In partnership with the Schumacher College UK, we are developing a global transformative education network.

- This year we launched the OASES short course program with around a dozen courses featuring leading figures in sustainability, community development, strategic foresight, systems thinking, spiritual & arts-based enquiry, participatory action research & more.

- Thousands have attended our regular talks & events.

And unlike most other universities offering accredited post-graduate programs, we do not receive any public funding, yet are required to meet the same rigorous accreditation standards as larger tertiary institutions.

We depend on you to keep OASES alive & thriving.

Our goal of $10,000 will ensure we can continue to develop the programs & networks in education that enables more sustainable living.


To make a secure tax-deductible donation, click on the icon below

Or call us on 9819 3502.

Thanks for your continuing support of OASES.

For more information about OASES, see our website or 'like' our facebook page.

Applications are open for semester 2

Are you interested in sustainability? Do you seek ways to create more positive change? Are you looking for post-graduate courses that are more holistic, where learning takes place within a rich community context? If so, our leading post-graduate courses might be for you.

Applications are now open for semester 2!
Open Day on July 6 (see below).

The OASES Graduate School offers an internationally acclaimed Masters Program in Integrative & Transformative Studies, & a Graduate Certificate in Sustainability in collaboration with the National Centre for Sustainability at Swinburne University. 

Applications are now open for the 2nd semester intake. For more info & to apply,click here.
We're very happy to chat about our programs & your interests any time.
Contact Anthony James, the Head of OASES Graduate School to arrange a meeting or talk over the phone.


Open Day 
Saturday 6 July, 12-5.30pm

You're warmly invited to the OASES Open Day
  • Meet OASES facilitators, staff, graduates & students
  • Learn about our leading approach to education for sustainability
  • Explore our ground-breaking post-graduate programs & short courses that offer ways to genuine address our sustainability concerns
  • Hear about job & career opportunities that our courses can open up for you
Join us for presentations, workshops, food, music, art, library tours & more

All are warmly invited to OASES for this special occasion, following on from the Breakfast (see below), when we gather to showcase & celebrate all that is OASES. 

If you are interested in exploring our courses, events, career opportunities, or just being inspired by a wonderful community of facilitators & supporters of OASES, join us this Open Day.
For more info as the date nears, click here.

Special Breakfast Conversations event
What's the big deal about education at OASES?
Saturday 6 July, 9-11.30am

Presented by Dr Jacques Boulet & Rev Paul Sanders

Come along to a very special Breakfast event featuring the founders of OASES, as they share the wisdom & spirit that was central to the creation of OASES & which underpins the courses we run today.

In celebration & recognition of the thinking & spirit that continues to inspire & offer hope as we educate & advocate for more conscious, connected & sustainable societies.

This is a rare event, not to be missed, leading into the OASES Open Day at 12pm (see above).

Cost: $25/$15 including delicious buffet breakfast (with vegetarian options).

For more info & to register, click here.

Resurgence Film Night - film
Thursday 20 June, 7-9.30pm

A special 'Dine Below the Line' Resurgence film & discussion evening 

You're invited to come along to share a dinner which costs no more than $2 per head to cater for (the global 'extreme poverty' line). We hope you will make a donation equivalent to what you would have spent on dinner normally, which will go towards continuing the education & campaigning work of the Global Poverty Project in Australia.

After dinner, we'll gather around for the screening of Headwinds of Poverty

3 recreational cyclists. 5500km. 7 African countries. What could go wrong? What would make three Aussie guys travel to Africa, jump on their mountain bikes, & ride over 200km per day for 27 days through some of the hardest conditions imaginable?

For more info about the film, click here.

Special international guest Satish Kumar
In conversation at the Abbotsford Convent
Thursday evening, 19 September (time tba) 

Presented by OASES in partnership with the Schumacher College UK

A former monk and long-term peace and environment activist,
Satish Kumar has been quietly setting the Global Agenda for change for over 50 years.

He was just nine when he left his family home to join the wandering Jains and 18 when he decided he could achieve more back in the world.

Satish is Editor of Resurgence Magazine & a Visiting Fellow at the Schumacher College, a global partner of OASES.

We hope you can join us for an evening with this warm, creative and highly respected man.

More details about this special event coming soon.
Stay tuned to the website & monthly e-news for all the latest.

Short Courses

Action Research: Human Inquiry for Living Systems

19 & 20 July (all day Friday & afternoon only on Saturday), then
2 & 3 August (again all day Friday & afternoon only on Saturday)

A 3 day short course in 2 parts, facilitated by internationally recognised action researcher, facilitator, theorist & author, Yoland Wadsworth, with specialist associates.

Here is an action research course which will offer you an opportunity
to develop & deepen your understanding of this increasingly popular form of practice-based inquiry – its philosophy, history, theory, concepts, design, facilitation & practice. Conducted in the enjoyable, stress-free, co-learning conditions that characterise OASES.

For more info & to register for one or both parts, click here.

To contact Yoland about this course or her work generally, emailLivingSystemsResearch@gmail.com

Closing date for registration: 8 July 2013

Sustainable Relationships in a Technological Age

11 August, 8 & 9 September, 13 October

A 4-day short course at the heart of what it means to live well

How are your relationships with others and the rest of the living world being affected by this age of extraordinary technological progress? Under the guidance of one of Australia’s leading experts in social development, Dr Jacques Boulet, you will reflect on the last 600 years of human history and understand how to create better relationships and communities. 

For more info & to register, click here.

Community Development

10 August, 12 October, 10 & 11 November

A 4-day short course from one of the world's leading community development practitioners

Working with Dr Jacques Boulet, students will explore concepts, strategies and practices associated with community development. This course looks at ways to empower community not just for survival but with the aim that they will thrive in a way that is sustainable and life enhancing. 

For more info & to register, click here.

Creating Connections & Opening Up Creativity

19 & 20 October, 16 & 17 November 

A 4-day short course learning deeply about our inherent creativity

An aesthetic experience can spark an enlightening moment where things become clearer and make more sense. This course will guide participants to create your own bridges towards clarity.

For more info & to register, click here.

Reclaiming Yourself

7-10 November (with optional intro session at OASES on 10 August)

A long weekend residential program near the Grampians

This 4-day ‘live-in’ program in Dunkeld, set in the spectacular Grampians, is a deeply nourishing contemplative experience. You are invited to consider the rich history of human spiritual philosophy and reflect upon your own spiritual life and how it exists as a conscious presence in the world. All meals & 3 nights accommodation included.

For more info & to register, click here.


Join one of our fun & supportive teams, & make a valuable contribution to OASES.

Positions are currently available in our Events, Online Communications & Office Teams.

If you'd like to know more, or explore the possibilities, please send your expressions of interest along with your resume to us by e-mail.

From our friends

Wild Law Conference

27-29 September, Brisbane

Living within our ecological limits: law and governance to nurture the Earth community

The Australian Wild Law Alliance will host a multi-disciplinary conference aimed at exploring key questions for living within ecology.

How do we know our ecological limits? What legal and governance mechanisms can help us live within our limits? And how do we change our current economic, political and legal systems to create human societies that live in a harmonious relationship with the Earth community?

For more info & to register, click here.

EIANZ National Conference

23-24 October, Melbourne

Adapt, Innovate, Advocate: Business as usual is not an option

The Environment Institute of Australia & New Zealand is now calling for abstracts from those interested in presenting at the conference.

OASES will be participating at this year's conference, and looks forward to seeing many friends, colleagues & peers there. 

For more info & to register, click here.


Borderlands Cooperative

A reminder that due to response to the recent Community Development courses, both the Introductory and Advanced courses will be run again in September.

Stay tuned for more details, & visit the website for all the latest. 

The Habitat Centre for Spirituality

The Centre presents courses and activities offered by the Habitat Uniting Church and its community partners.

Visit the website for the latest news. 

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