Thursday 20 June 2013

Affordable housing: Will housing stress become an election issue?

Affordable housing a hot-button election issue

Dear Networkers
As we come into the business end of the campaign for affordable housing, we’re going to need your help to get results. Whilst the Federal election is not until September, major parties are already in election mode.
What are they proposing to do about the housing crisis?
Both major parties have managed to avoid answering that question, so we need to step up the pressure to ensure that the community can make an informed vote in September.
Here’s the rub: we believe that both the major parties know their housing plans for the next term of government but the lack of media attention on the housing crisis has allowed them to keep their cards close to their chests.
Our aim is to make sure those plans are out in the open for voters to scrutinise before the election. We will be applying pressure to the major parties to release their plans, and this is where we need your help.
Over the coming months, we’ll be releasing a number of actions that you can participate in to make housing the topic of discussion in Canberra. We’re getting excited about the activities and can’t wait to get you involved, so keep an eye out.
In the meantime, we could use your assistance building the reach of the Australians for Affordable Housing campaign. You can do this by encouraging friends to visit the Housing Stressed website and signing up to our mailing list, or by sharing our Facebook page with your friends.
Joel Pringle
Campaign Manager
Australians for Affordable Housing

PS If you missed the coverage of our launch for the ‘Defaulting on the Australian Dream’ report, you can find a short video of the ABC News 24 interview here.

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