Tuesday 14 May 2013

Who Profits - The Israeli Occupation Industry - Commemorating Nakba Day

Who profits
The Bulldozer Campaign | Nakba Day 2013
The Coalition of Women for Peace invites you to join an Internet campaign to commemorate the Nakba and raise public awareness regarding the economic interests of international corporations, which participate daily and profit from the occupation.Caterpillar bulldozers | Al-Araqib

Four Days: Four corporations
On each day of the campaign we will focus on one international corporation, by uploading texts and photos relating the company’s activity to the demolition of homes and lives in communities across Palestine.

We invite you to spread these photos and texts - that will be available in various languages – using social media tools. We also encourage you to post the images to the companies Facebook pages, or send inquires to these companies about their involvement in the occupation and house demolitions.

We will update this page daily with all the photos and information you need. Help us spread the word and demand accountability.
For more information check out the website www.whoprofits.org 

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