Thursday 23 May 2013

How much is cheap meat really costing us? Voiceless and its guests raise the question and make their case

Dear Networkers,

Have you ever thought that the sticker price of cheap meat doesn’t match its actual cost? Who is paying the real price for cheaper meat at the checkout?

Voiceless is proud to announce the launch of a new project which investigates these questions and their greater impact. In collaboration with EyeLevel – a new initiative aimed at promoting thought leadership – we’re challenging Australians to think about the intensive farming practices which make cheap meat possible.

Voiceless has brought together a roster of leading Australians to answer key questions about the ethical, environmental and health costs of cheap meat. With an introduction from former High Court judge the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, the panel also comprises:
  • Former Treasury Secretary Dr Ken Henry AC
  • Leader of the Opposition in the NSW Legislative Council, the Hon Luke Foley MLC
  • Author and academic Dr Deidre Wicks
  • Renowned international animal lawyer Antoine Goetschel
  • Director of Feather and Bone Laura Dalrymple
The Eyelevel format gives panellists the opportunity to speak on a number of thought-provoking topics, compiling their responses into an interactive video platform, which is now available for you to watch here.

This is a significant opportunity to raise public awareness about factory farming and the conditions that animals raised for food are forced to endure throughout their short lives.  Please share this fantastic resource with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, post it on your blog or forward this email to your colleagues.

Start a conversation today to help end factory farming tomorrow.  

Thanks for your continued support,

Dana Campbell
Chief Executive Officer

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