Wednesday 1 May 2013

Deal not only with political advertising, but the ceaseless polls as well

A comment from Miss Eagle was published in The Age to-day. Here is the comment and the link to the article on which I commented. ~~~
We published your comment:
As well as banning political advertising, can we please ban or limit the continual political polling by one company or media organisation or another. I believe that not only does self-serving political advertising unfairly (and sometimes untruthfully) influence views, so do the polls. The polls feed a media cycle that relies on political comment without intelligent watchfulness or questioning. I am starting to think that the polls influence the voting public more than the policies coming from our Parliaments. Let's pass judgment on our politicians by what they actually do and who is best served by their actions. Let's leave out the declared voting intentions of a small sample of voters of whom we know nothing at all.

Go back to read what others are saying :
How wads of cash are influencing our minds
How wads of cash are influencing our mindsSALLY YOUNG 11:55 PM Paid political ads are banned in Britain, but in Australia we let anyone with money bombard our TVs.

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