Monday 11 March 2013

New Premier in Victoria an opportune time to turn around ignorant and negligent attitudes?

From Kelly at Environment Victoria.  Could you please sign this petition?  To date, the Liberal National Party in Victoria has displayed gross ignorance and negligence of environmental issues.  They appointed a Minister for the Environment who seldom speaks.  The LibNats have pandered to sectional interests across regional and rural Victoria with little evidence of enlightened and progressive attitudes to environmental protection and enhancement.  ~~~ Miss Eagle

Thursday, 7 March 2013
Tell our new Premier, Denis Napthine, to turn over a new leaf for our environment

Today we have a new Premier. This is the biggest opportunity we've had for Victoria’s environment in two and a half years.
Ted Baillieu was a champion of environmental destruction, launching an unprecedented attack on our environment and dismantling protections that had been in place for decades. Now that he’s been replaced, we have a chance to turn over a new leaf for our environment.
We know that there are thousands upon thousands of Victorians who want our environment protected. A healthy environment is what we want for our jobs, for the future, for our kids. And right now we need to show Premier Napthine the opportunity in front of him – to start taking Victoria’s environment forward again. 
Premier Napthine already knows better than most what good environmental policies can do for our state. As MP for the South-West Coast, in the heartland of Victoria’s wind industry, he championed the South West as a renewable energy hub. Now as Premier it’s his turn to step up and champion clean energy and the jobs that come with it, for all of Victoria.
On this first day of our new Premier’s term in office, let’s call on him to leave a legacy of environmental action of which the Coalition and Victorians like us can be proud. This is his chance to bring good, secure jobs back to Victoria, and to protect our air, water and the quality of life that Victorians love.
Yours sincerely,

Kelly O’Shanassy
and the Team from Environment Victoria

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