Tuesday 26 March 2013

Green Left Weekly Activist Calendar - 2013-03-27

Green Left Weekly Comedy Debate 2013

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Green Left Weekly Comedy Debate 2013
Gina and Clive should run the country!
Friday, May 10, 6:30pm (for 8pm start). Coburg Town Hall, 90 Bell St, Coburg. Forget Julia and Tony . . . Gina and Clive (and Twiggy et al) should run the country! After all, they are digging up so much of it! A sparkling night of progressive comedy. Master of ceremonies: Rod Quantock with the comedic talents of Carlo Sands, Claire Sullivan, Justine Sless, Matt Grantham, Morven Smith & Sean Bedlam.
Bar and dinner available. Tickets: $40 Solidarity, $25 waged, $12 concession. Bookings essential. For bookings or info visit Comedy Debate or ph 9639 8622. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly.

Other coming events

Until Sunday, June 2
Exhibition: Protest! Archives from Melbourne University. An exhibition of posters, pamphlets, badges, etc. exploring Melbourne University's rich history of protest. 8:30am-5pm weekdays; 11am-5pm weekends. Leigh Scott Gallery, Level 1, Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne. For more info visit Melb University.
Wednesday, March 27
Rally: Our education is not for profit. TAFE cuts, course cuts, student representation slashed. Our education is under attack in Victoria and we need to fight back or we face further steps back. 3:30pm. State Library, 328 Swanston St, City. Organised by the National Union of Students.
Public meeting: Climate game change forum. Concerned about the expansion of Queensland Coal in 2013? Well you should be. Come along to a free public forum hosted by the AYCC with guest speaker Robyn Eckersley to find out more about the threats currently facing our Great Barrier Reef and what you can do about it. 6:30pm. JH Michell Theatre, Richard Berry Building, The University of Melbourne. For more info email AYCC.
Welcome to Lord Mayor Rob Doyle's & Victoria Police's Apartheid Melbourne. Join us on a walking tour of Apartheid Melbourne and light 1000 candles to commemorate the lives of people who have died under the protection, care and treatment of the Federal and Victorian government, Victorian Police and agents of the state (including church Organizations and non-government community and the homelessness/housing industry). 6:30pm. Queen Victoria Market, 513 Elizabeth St, City. This rally has been organised as part of the campaigns: 'Stop the Privatisation of Public Housing. Protect, Defend and Extend' and the 'Unite, Fight Back and Stop the Privatisation of Public Housing'.
Thursday, March 28
Public meeting: Attack of the theocrats: How the religious right harms us all. Visiting from the United States for the Rationalist Society of Australia, hear Sean Faircloth speak to the issues raised in his book. He argues for returning the US to its secular roots. This is a free event. Bookings are not required. 12:45-1:15pm. The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale St, City. For more info visit Wheeler Centre.
Thursday, March 28-Sunday, March 31
Conference: Marxism 2013: Ideas to challenge the system. Melbourne University. For more info and bookings visit Marxism 2013. Presented by Socialist Alternative. This year the conference is being sponsored by Socialist Alliance and Green Left Weekly who are presenting two workshops: Saturday, March 30, 2pm: Socialists and electoral interventions & Sunday, March 31, 4pm: Marxism & the ecological revolution.
Thursday, March 28-Sunday, April 21
Comedy Festival: Aamer Rahman: The truth hurts. After years of performing as half of the critically acclaimed duo Fear of a Brown Planet, Aamer Rahman finally appears in his long-awaited debut solo show. Ruthlessly attacking issues of race, immigration and the War on Terror with his trademark aggression, Aamer will pace the stage for up to 55 minutes, ranting about everything that is wrong with the world today. Tue-Sat 8:30pm; Sun 7:30pm. Melbourne Town Hall, Portico Room, cnr Swanston & Collins Sts, City. To book visit The Truth Hurts.
Friday, March 29-Sunday, April 7
Friends of the Earth's Radioactive Exposure Tour to South Australian outback. From Melbourne via Adelaide. For more info ph Gem 0421 955 066, email Radioactive Exposure Tour or visit FoE.
Saturday, March 30
Memorial: Óscar Arnulfo Romero. Commemorate 33 years since the assassination of Óscar Arnulfo Romero who defended the poor in El Salvador. 3:30pm. Casa Pastoral Centro Americana, 178 Ascot Vale Rd, Ascot Vale. Organised by FMLN-Melbourne.
Tuesday, April 2
Public meeting: Students for Palestine Organizing meeting: RMIT cut ties with BAE militay company. 5pm. RMIT Cafe.
Wednesday, April 3
Public meeting: Global organising. Which way forward? Australia Asia Worker Links has for the last 30 years helped to facilitate links and organising among trade unions and worker organisations in the Asia Pacific region. This forum will look at how best to organise internationally. 6pm. Room 2, Trades hall, cnr Lygon & Victoria sts, Carlton South.
Thursday, April 4
Public meeting: Rally against Rupert Murdoch & Andrew Bolt. Rupert Murdoch & his loyal attack dog, convicted racist Andrew Bolt, will be joining other 'esteemed' members of the 1% for an evening of wining and dining. Murdoch will be speaking at the 70th anniversary dinner of the Institute of Public Affairs, a right-wing think-tank dedicated to preserving and strengthening a pro-capitalist, neo-liberal agenda. Murdoch’s News Corporation owns hundreds of newspapers, websites, radio and television stations and despite a phone-hacking scandal, maintains an increasing clutch on global media and any ideological opinions expressed therein. The voice of the 1% will always be heard, because they own the mainstream media. It's time they heard what we have to say about them. 5:30pm. National Gallery of Victoria, 180 St Kilda Road, Southbank.
Public meeting: Indigenous Social Justice Association. 6:30pm. Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Thursday, April 4-Saturday, April 20
Comedy Festival: Justine Sless: Tomatoes and other stakeholders. 'Acute observations of family life on the north side of the river, intelligently funny.' Tickets: $20/$15. Bookings at Justine Sless. 9pm. Thu, Fri, Sat. LongPlay, 318 St Georges Rd, Nth Fitzroy. For more info ph 0405 329 633. [Justine Sless will be performing at the Green Left Weekly Comedy Debate on Friday, May 10. See advertisement above.]
Friday, April 5
Public meeting: May Day solidarity rally 2013 planning meeting. Open planning meeting to prepare for May Day action on May 1. 6pm. Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton South. Initiated by Australia-Asia Worker Links.
Saturday, April 6
Public meeting & photoshoot: Help Solidarity Salon stand up for the Burrup! Event in support of campaign to save the Pilbara's Burrup Peninsula from Woodside Petroleum's massive gas project. Speakers: Davie Thomason (CFMEU) & Alison Thorne (Freedom SOcialist Party). 2pm. Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. For more info ph 9388 0062.
Comedy Festival: DVD launch of 'Australia, you're standing in it!' Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Australia, you’re standing in it and DVD release with the Comedy Festival's one-off reunion of the cast show featuring video highlights of the series and a significant amount of comic mayhem. Features original cast (includes Rod Quantock). Tickets: $26-$33. Bookings Australia, you're standing in it!. 5pm. Melbourne Town Hall, cnr Swanston & Collins St, City.
Fundraiser: Antifascist benefit for Rocinante. There has been an alarming increase in racist pogroms in Greece over the last several months. These are by organised fascists and the party Golden Dawn has increased in popularity since the austerity measures were introduced. Racists are targeting foreigners as scapegoats for their economic problems. In response to this increase in fascist activity, leftist groups have been organising counter-actions and counter-demonstrations. On September 30, 2012, 15 demonstrators were arrested at such an action and now have legal costs to cover. Funds raised from this concert will be used by Rocinante to help pay for the legal defence of the 15 against the politically motivated charges brought against them. Featuring: ExtinctExist; Faspeedelay; Pretty City; Pope's Assassins; Go Genre Everything. 7pm. Reverence Hotel, 28 Napier Street, Footscray. First band 8pm sharp. $10.
Comedy: Political Asylum's Late Night Riot. Australia's best political comedians all together in one big show! Featuring: Mathew Kenneally; Aamer Rahman (Fear of a Brown Planet); Toby Halligan; Stella Young (Q&A); Scott Abbot (Syd); Jon Brooks (Adel); Damian Callinan; Nelly Thomas. 11pm. Melbourne Town Hall Supper Room, cnr Swanston & Collins sts, City. Tickets: $25/20 [Group (6+) $20]. To book visit Political Asylum.
Monday, April 8
Public meeting: International guest speaker from SYRIZA. SYRIZA is a political party committed to fighting for justice and opposing austerity measures. Kostas Isychos is coming to Australia to share with us the amazing experience of SYRIZA nearly winning the election in Greece. Kostas was born in Argentina, educated in Canada and has been based in Greece since the early 80s. Come and hear about the struggle of the Greek working class. 7pm. AMWU office, 251 Queensberry St, Carlton South.
Wednesday, April 10
Film screening: 5 Broken Cameras. The first ever Palestinian documentary film to be nominated for an Oscar, a deeply personal, first-hand account of non-violent resistance in Bil'in, a West Bank village threatened by encroaching Israeli settlements. Shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, the film follows one family's evolution over five years of village turmoil. Burnat watches from behind the lens as olive trees are bulldozed, protests intensify, and lives are lost. 'I feel like the camera protects me,' he says, 'but it's an illusion.' 3pm. University Function Room (next to Kaleide Theatre), RMIT, Swanston St, City. Organised by RMIT Students for Palestine.
Friday, April 12
Book launch: The New Latin American Left: Cracks in the Empire. This provocative, multidisciplinary work explores the dramatic resurgence of the left in Latin America since the late 1990s. Offering a comprehensive account of the complexities and nuances of the shifting political tides in the region, the book provides both a theoretical framework for assessing the state of the left and a set of cases highlighting key movements, successes, and failures. 6:30pm. New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton. For more info visit NIBS or ph 9662 3744.
Fundraiser: PuNx for freedom for West Papua! Bands: Diploid; Robot Mugabe; Cholesterollers; Rotary Hoes; Mangel Wurzel; Swimsuit Dynamite. 4pm. Bar 303, 303 High St, Northcote.
Cancellation. Red Cinema's screening of Silenced Voices has been cancelled. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Saturday, April 13
Protest: Rally against attacks on single parent benefits. Come join us in our fight against unjust legislation that has place over 100,000 single parents and their families below the poverty line. It is fact that 68% of single parents work, and 38% either work and study. Say enough is enough! Lets show this government that poverty is not on! 12 noon. Federation Square, City.
Sunday, April 14
Fundraiser: These Machines Cut Razor Wire 2013. Massive rootsy line-up including Chris Wilson, Charles Jenkins, Les Thomas, Suzannah Espie, The Stillsons (duo), Jed Rowe, Beautiful Change and more to be announced. We'll be raising our voices and much-needed funds for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. 2:30pm (doors open 2pm). The Thornbury Theatre, 859 High St, Thornbury. $25 (children under 12 free). For more info visit The Thornbury Theatre or ph 9484 9831. Bookings Oztix. Presented by Unpaved/Les Thomas/3CR.
Tuesday, April 16
Rally: Demand RMIT cut ties with British Aerospace Engineering. RMIT's Aerospace Engineering Department is sponsored by the world's third largest military company, British Aerospace Engineering (BAE). Essentially, RMIT is receiving millions of dollars to assist BAE in developing weapons that destroy more lives, more effectively. BAE is one of the major suppliers of weapons to the Israeli Defence Force. These weapons have been used to turn Palestinian and Lebanese villages into rubble. 12pm. State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St, City.
Public meeting: The People vs Coal Seam Gas. We have Peak Oil, Peak Gas and climate change. The answer is renewable energy, but instead, companies are drilling for the dirtiest gas. Coal Seam Gas is coming to Victoria and local communities are gearing up to campaign against it. The speakers will discuss the threat of coal seam gas and the campaign against it. Speakers: Mark Ogge (The Australia Institute); Cam Walker (Friends of the Earth); Jess Moore (Lock the Gate, Stop CSG Illawarra, Socialist Alliance). 6:30pm. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). Entry by donation. Hosted by Socialist Alliance and Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Wednesday, April 17
Matt Grantham: Poli-Waffle. Internationally acclaimed comedian Matt Grantham returns to Melbourne following the success of last year's hit show How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb? He gives a non-core promise to deliver more of the same comedy gold in this year's antidote to political correctness. 7:20pm. Fad Gallery, 14 Corrs Lane, City. Tickets: $20/$15. Bookings essential; Bookings at Poli-Waffle or call 9639 8622. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly. [Matt Grantham will be performing at the Green Left Weekly Comedy Debate on Friday, May 10. See advertisement below.]
Saturday, April 20
Rally: Free Cannabis 4/20 Event. 2pm. Treasury Gardens. March to Parliament House for a 10-minute public announcement and demand that the Victorian government acknowledge that cannabis prohibition is based on prejudice and begin the process of looking towards legalisation.
Thursday, April 25-Sunday, April 28
Refugee rights national convergence in Northam, WA. Refugee rights groups around the country will be converging on Yongah Hill Detention Centre on the Anzac weekend, 2013, to protest against the mandatory detention of asylum seekers.
Conference: Edufactory, disassembling the neoliberal university. The second EduFactory conference is being held on Gadigal country at the University of Sydney over the ANZAC Day long weekend. EduFactory aims to bring together radical education activists from around the country for a weekend of political discussion, skill sharing, and debates on the future of national education activism. This is also an opportunity to organize for the upcoming year's campaigns and develop activist networks. Sydney University.
Sunday, April 28
Rally: Protest at Broadmeadows Detention Centre. Demands: Close Manus, Close Nauru; End mandatory detention, not MITA extension; Justice for ASIO refugees; Don't deport to danger. Organised by Refugee Action Collective. 1pm. Meet cnr Camp Rd & Hume Hwy, Campbellfield (Hungry Jacks carpark) then march to detention centre.
Thursday, May 2
May Day: Wreath laying at the Eight-hour Monument. 5pm. Eight-Hour monument, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton South.
Public meeting: May Day multicultural event. 6pm. Trades Hall, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton South.
Sunday, May 5
Socialist Alliance May Day Toast: Fight for your rights! 10am. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston st, City (opposite RMIT). Presented by Socialist Alliance & Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Rally: May Day march. 1pm. Trades hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South.
Friday, May 10
Green Left Weekly Comedy Debate 2013: Gina and Clive should run the country! Forget Julia and Tony . . . Gina and Clive (and Twiggy et al) should run the country! After all, they are digging up so much of it! A sparkling night of progressive comedy. 6:30pm (for 8pm start). Coburg Town Hall, 90 Bell St, Coburg. Master of ceremonies: Rod Quantock with the comedic talents of Carlo Sands, Claire Sullivan, Justine Sless, Matt Grantham, Morven Smith and Sean Bedlam. Bar and dinner available. Tickets: $40 Solidarity, $25 waged, $12 concession. Bookings essential. For bookings or info visit Comedy Debate or ph 9639 8622. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly.
Saturday, May 11
Rally: Equal Love Rally for Marriage Equality. 1pm. State Library, cnr La Trobe & Swanston sts, City.
Concert: Jello Biafra & The Guantanamo School of Medicine. Former Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafra has dropped word that he will be returning to Australian shores to play his first live band performance shows for 30 years, bringing with him his new musical project The Guantanamo School of Medicine. New album White People and the Damage Done concentrates on gruesome and controversial political topics corruption and media lies and scandal and US foreign policy, Biafra continuing to speak his mind through wise-guy lyricism. 8:30pm. Corner Hotel, 57 Swan St, Richmond. For more info visit Corner Hotel.
Sunday, May 12
Concert: Jello Biafra & The Guantanamo School of Medicine. See entry above. 7:30pm. Corner Hotel, 57 Swan St, Richmond. For more info visit Corner Hotel.
Wednesday, May 15
Rally: Forgotten Australians National Day of Action. The aim of this gathering is to peacefully yet firmly protest for the federal government to hold a Royal Commission into the criminal abuse that was inflicted on a large majority of the 500,000 children raised in orphanages/childrens homes, institutions, and foster care during the 1940s, '50s, '60s, '70s and '80s. What we would like to see included in this Royal Commission is an investigation into all forms of Child Abuse. We will also peacefully yet firmly protest the lack of resources available to us, given the torture and abuse of many of us while in the care of the state governments across the nation that has permanently left the majority of us physically, mentally, emotionally and/or psychologically challenged on a day-to-day basis. 10:30am. Parliament House.
Saturday, June 29
Green Left Weekly Solidarity Dinner: An evening with Christine Assange. Defending WikiLeaks & defending the free press is the theme of this year's Green Left Weekly solidarity dinner. Our special guest is Christine Assange, who will discuss Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ecuador. Doors open 6:30pmpm. St Brigid's Parish Hall, 378 Nicholson St, Fitzroy North. Tickets (includes meal): $50 solidarity / $30 waged / $20 conc. Bookings essential. For bookings or info visit Wikileaks dinner or ph 9639 8622.

Geelong & regional Victoria

Until Sunday April 14
Ballarat Exhibition: 50 years of protest posters. 10am-5pm daily. Ballarat Gallery, Lydiard St Nth, Ballarat. For more info visit Ballarat Gallery.
Friday, April 5
Darnum Public meeting: Coal Seam Gas information night. Learn more about the threat of Coal Seam Gas mining in Gippsland, what your legal rights are as a landowner and what you can do. Speakers: Mark Ogge (The Australia Institute); Dr Jo McCubbin (Doctors for the Environment); Nick Croggon (Environmental Defenders Office). 7pm. Town Hall, Darnum (just off the Princes Fwy). Organised by Baw Baw Sustainability Network & Friends of the Earth. For more information email Ursula or ph 0499 991 324.
Friday, April 19
Geelong Red Cinema: Croker Island Exodus. Documentary by Steven McGregor. In 1942, at Croker Island, as Japanese bomb the North, 95 Aboriginal children and their missionary carers make a remarkable journey to safety 3000 miles across the Australian continent. Followed by discussion. 7pm (meal from 6:30pm). Trades Hall, 127 Myers St, Geelong. $10/$5. Presented by Socialist Alliance & Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 5222 6900.
Saturday, May 4
Socialist Alliance May Day Dinner: 6pm. Downstairs, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St, Geelong. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 5222 6900.

Campaign committees

Beyond Zero Emissions Melbourne branch meetings. BZE's monthly branch meetings are a way for current and prospective BZE volunteers to meet up, get to know each other and discuss upcoming events such as presentations, stalls, film nights and discussion groups. Meets on the third Monday of every month at Level 2, Kindness House, 288 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. Active and prospective volunteers welcome. For more info email Vicky Fysh or ph 0401 087 085.
Friends of the Earth's Anti-Nuclear & Clean Energy (ACE) collective meetings. Wednesdays. FoE office, 312 Smith St, Collingwood. For meeting times & more info email Zin.
Melbourne Feminist Action Group. We think it's time to put women's rights back on the public agenda. We've started an open organising group and everyone's invited, from already existing women's rights groups and activist organisations, to women and men who may never have been involved in feminist action in their lives but just want to do something. We want to get together to have that crucial discussion: what can we do, right now, that will give this movement a push? It's open to everyone; anyone who attends can have their say. If you can make it, bring your ideas about what you would like to see happen next. For more info ph 0438 869 790 or email MelbFemAction.
Quit Coal: No New Coal Power for Victoria. A Melbourne-based collective which campaigns against expansion of the coal industry in Victoria. We believe this is important because building new coal infrastructure locks in decades of dirty, old technology, when we should be moving towards clean, renewable energy. Quit Coal meets each Wednesday at 6pm, at FOE, 312 Smith St, Collingwood. For more info visit Quit Coal or email Quit Coal.
Refugee Action Collective (RAC). Established in 2000, RAC is a democratic, grassroots activist collective, representing a broad cross section of the community. It aims to mobilise opposition to Australia's inhuman refugee policies. For more info ph 0413 377 978 or visit RAC.
Victorian Climate Action Calendar. For a comprehensive list of climate action events in our state. The VCAC covers events in Victoria and major events elsewhere and is intended to inform, educate and inspire. To subscribe to the calendar email Monique Decortis. Weekly updates are e-mailed out and online updates are available at VCAC. To add an event to the calendar, please download the Event Template from the website. Feel free to forward the VCAC to other interested people.
Workers Solidarity Network. WSN believes that we, as workers, have the power to improve our working conditions and bring about positive social change. WSN believes that our country is not a real democracy unless we have democratic workplaces where workers have a say. WSN believes that the only way to bring about a fairer share of resources in our society in by forming active unions and community organisations to fight for it. For more info visitWSN.

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