Wednesday 13 March 2013

Green Left Weekly Activist Calendar 2013-03-13

Green Left Weekly Activist CalendarMarch 13, 2013

Public meeting
Feminism & socialism discussion
Wednesday, March 13, 6:30pm (meal from 6pm). Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). Have you ever wondered why violence against women is so widespread or why women in Australia earn nearly 20% less than men. Why is it that women still do most of the unpaid work? Has sexism always existed? Is it genetic? What can we do about it? We will discuss all these questions and many more. Organised by Socialist Alliance. For more info ph 9639 8622.

Socialist Alliance state conference
A socialist response to the politics of racism, neoliberalism & climate denialism
Saturday, March 16, 9:30am-5pm. MUA Hall, 45-54 Ireland St, West Melbourne (near North Melbourne station). See Agenda. Registration: $15/$10 (full day), $7/$3 (half day).

'Those who die for life cannot be called dead'
Memorial gathering for Hugo Chavez
Saturday, March 16, 7pm. MUA Hall, 45-54 Ireland St, West Melbourne (near North Melbourne station).Socialist Alliance initiated a candlelight farewell to Chavez on Thursday, March 7 in the evening. Around 70 people from Socialist Alliance, Lasnet, Maritime Union, FMLN, Chilean Communist Party, Lebanese Communist Party, Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network, Latin America Social Forum, Socialist Alternative, Revolutionary Socialist Party and the Communist Party and individuals from the Guatemalan, Colombian, and Iranian communities particpated.
We are organising a memorial meeting this Saturday. Speakers, music, poetry, film footage. Drinks & food available. Initiated by Socialist Alliance. Other groups invited to endorse and participate. For more info ph 9639 8622 or 0438 869 790.

Red Cinema
Pink Saris
Friday, March 22, 7pm (meal from 6:30pm). Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). 2010 documentary by Kim Longinotto about the Indian feminist 'Gulabi gang' and its inspirational leader Sampat Pal Devi which fights widespread domestic abuse and other violence against women. Run time 96 min. Followed by discussion. $10/$5. Presented by Socialist Alliance & Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622.

Film screenings
Underground: The Julian Assange Story
Each screening will be introduced by the director Robert Connolly with a discussion to follow with special guests. Before WikiLeaks, before the internet even existed, Julian Assange was a teenage computer hacker in Melbourne. This is his story.
  • Sunday, March 17, 6:30pm. Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon St, Carlton. For more info ph 9347 5331.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 6:45pm. Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon St, Carlton. For more info ph 9347 5331.
  • Wednesday, March 20, 6:45pm. Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon St, Carlton. For more info ph 9347 5331.
  • Thursday, March 21, 6:45pm. Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon St, Carlton. For more info ph 9347 5331.
  • Friday, March 22, 6:45pm. Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon St, Carlton. For more info ph 9347 5331.
  • Sunday, March 24, 4pm. Palace Brighton Bay, 294 Bay St, Brighton. For more info ph 9596 3590.

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This is the regular Melbourne activist calendar compiled by Green Left Weekly. Emailed to subscribers each Wednesday fortnight, it is a one-stop listing of the main left and progressive events in Melbourne and Geelong.
Since it began in early 1991, Green Left Weekly has offered an indispensable alternative to the lies of the big-business media and has helped build the various movements for social change. To subscribe to Green Left Weekly, visit our secure online website for rates and payment at Green Left Weekly or call our national hotline on 1800 634 206.
You can also contact us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Geelong we are at the Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.
New email address? Not already receiving this calendar regularly? Want to subscribe someone else? Let us know at Greenleft Melbourne.

Other coming events

Wednesday, March 13
Public meeting: Feminism & socialism discussion. Have you ever wondered why violence against women is so widespread or why women in Australia earn nearly 20% less than men. Why is it that women still do most of the unpaid work? Has sexism always existed? Is it genetic? What can we do about it? We will discuss all these questions and many more. 6:30pm. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). Organised by Socialist Alliance. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Rally: No Maccas in Tecoma drive-through protest. Howard Armitage owns four McDonalds stores already and is apparently determined to be the franchisee of the proposed Tecoma store. Time to send him a message in person by driving through the Ferntree Gully McDonalds. Drive through and politely order your 'No Maccas in Tecoma please!'. This is a simple, non-violent way of telling Howard that he really does need to respect local democracy and community wishes and back out of the proposed Tecoma Store. 6:30pm. McDonald's, 740-742 Burwood Hwy, Ferntree Gully. If you want to organize yourself to join the drive-through between 6:30pm and 7:30pm that would be great. If you would prefer to drive down to the store in a convoy, meet at 6pm in the carpark at the rear of the DVD store in Tecoma.
Thursday, March 14
Public meeting: From Afghanistan to Australia: Why Hazaras Flee Afghanistan. International guest speaker:Aziz Royesh (teacher, writer and founder of the Marefat High School in Kabul). The school became a target of extremist violence after its students were involved in protests against the Shia Personal Status Law, which stripped rights from Hazara women. 6:30pm. Meeting Room 1, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South (Victoria St entrance). Sponsored by Afghan Australian Civil Society Organisation and the Refugee Action Collective. For more info ph Hameed 0402 938 959 or Tony 0437 237 010.
Public meeting: Will foreign investment alleviate poverty in Burma? Recent reforms have seen resource-rich Burma become an investment magnet. Despite serious questions about the human rights impact of foreign investment projects, Australia's Foreign Minister Bob Carr has declared that foreign investment will alleviate poverty in Burma. But will it? Guest speakers: Naing Htoo (Earthrights International), Seng Maw (Kachin Association Australia) and U Shwe Thein (Land Core Group). 6pm. AMWU Building, 251 Queensberry St, Carlton South. These events are free. No RSVP required.
Thursday-Friday, March 14-15
Conference: Iraq 10 years on. Reviews the successes and failures of Australia's role in the war and the tenuous and difficult relationship between the two nations beyond the withdrawal. Deakin University City Centre Campus, L3, 550 Bourke St, Melbourne. Speakers will include Dr Jenny Grounds, president of Medical Association for the Prevention of War. Presented by The Australian Middle East Research Forum (attached to Deakin University's Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation).
Friday, March 15
Film screening: Rachel. Ten years ago Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli bulldozer as she tried to stop it crushing a Palestinian home. This is the story of her tragic death and the people she had come to love. The film will be introduced by Michael Shaik who worked with Rachel in the International Solidarity Movement when she was killed. 6:15pm (for 6:30pm sharp). State Library of Victoria, Entry 2, La Trobe St, City. $15 plus booking fee. Only Australian screening. Presented by Australians for Palestine.
Film screening: Mapuche doco & discussion night. The Plunder, film in Spanish with English subtitles (73 minutes). International campaign in support of the Mapuche Nation, Indigenous people from the south of Chile & Argentina. Stop the repression and militarisation of Mapuche people, freedom for the Mapuche political prisoners. 7pm. Trades hall basement, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton South (entry by Victoria St). For more info visit LASNET.
Saturday, March 16
Memorial gathering for Hugo Chavez: 'Those who die for life cannot be called dead.' Socialist Alliance initiated a candlelight farewell to Chavez on Thursday, March 7 in the evening. Around 70 people from Socialist Alliance, Lasnet, Maritime Union, FMLN, Chilean Communist Party, Lebanese Communist Party, Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network, Latin America Social Forum, Socialist Alternative, Revolutionary Socialist Party and the Communist Party and individuals from the Guatemalan, Colombian, and Iranian communities particpated. We are organising a memorial meeting next Saturday. Speakers, music, poetry, film footage. Drinks & food available. 7pm. MUA Hall, 45-54 Ireland St, West Melbourne (near North Melbourne station). Initiated by Socialist Alliance. Other groups invited to endorse and participate. For more info ph 9639 8622 or 0438 869 790.
Socialist Alliance state conference: A socialist response to the politics of racism, neoliberalism & climate denialism. See Agenda. 9:30am-5pm. Maritime Union Hall, 46-54 Ireland St, West Melbourne (5 minute walk from North Melbourne Station). Registration: $15/$10 (full day), $$7/$3 (half day).
Fundraiser: West Side Stories closing book sale. Fundraising book sale to assist Jill Brookes, who was viciously assaulted in her bookshop in Altona in July last year. Jill is a lifelong union activist who worked at both the TCFUA and RTBU. The Bookshop has been sold and all books must go! All of the proceeds will go towards Jill's future care and rehabilitation. 9am-5pm. Shop 22, Harrington Square, Altona.
Rally: Defend the Fertility Control Clinic. 9:30am. Fertility Control Clinic, 118 Wellington Pde, East Melbourne.
Festival: Coranderrk Festival. Come and celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Coranderrk Aboriginal Station. We want to honour our ancestors who farmed the property and who lived and died here. 12-8pm. 'Coranderrk', 19 Barak lane, Healesville. Please note the festival site is a working paddock. Please wear sensible shoes. For more info visit Coranderrk.
Rally: Egyptians around the world to demand the fall of the regime. 3:30pm (for 4pm start). State Library, cnr La Trobe & Swanston Sts, City. March to Egyptian Consulate.
Album launch: Free West Papua. Rize of the Morning Star. Featuring a collection of the Pacific's finest musicians drawn from 'Sing Sing' who will gather together to launch the West Papua Tribute album, Rize of the Morning Star (Volume 1)Featuring: George Telek (Papua New Guinea); Tha Feelstyle with Dei Hamo (Samoa); Airileke (Papua New Guinea); Will Hatch (Vanua Balavu, Lau in Fiji); Pius Wasi (Papua New Guinea); Ego Lemos (Timor Leste). 8pm. B-East, 80 Lygon St, Brunswick. $20.
Sunday, March 17-Sunday, March 24
Film screenings: Underground: The Julian Assange Story. See display advertisement above for details.
Monday, March 18
Public meeting: Neoliberalism & education cuts. Student forum on the cuts to tertiary education around Australia. Join experienced student activists and members of the NTEU to talk about the current fightback. 12 noon. RUSU meeting room, RMIT building 8, lvl 3 (opposite gym). Presented by RMIT Resistance club, Socialist Alliance & Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Public meeting: Quit Coal info night.There are many ways you can get involved with Quit Coal and we'd love to tell you all about them! Not only do we have campaign and direct action working groups, we also have arts, media, research, strategy, fundraising and climbing groups. Whatever your skills, be they photoshop, angle grinding, cooking or licking envelopes we'd love to have you along. Food provided. 6pm. Friends of the Earth, 312 Smith St, Collingwood.
Tuesday, March 19
Public meeting: Following the US to war: Lessons from Iraq. Most citizens did not approve of Australia joining the disastrous US invasion of Iraq in 2010. Hear expert speakers discuss why we went, the health and humanitarian impacts, the lessons learned, and how we can stop this happening again. Chair is ACTU President Ged Kearney, with Paul Barratt (president, Campaign for an Iraq War Inquiry); Jenny Grounds (president, MAPW); Richard Tanter (leading expert on US military facilities in Australia). 7pm. Melbourne City Conference Centre, 333 Swanston St, City.
Wednesday, March 20
Rally: Campaign launch against BAE systems in RMIT. BAE systems is one of the major companies that supply military equipment to the Israeli army and one of the major sponsors of the RMIT engineering department. One example is the 'head-up' display for F16 fighter aircraft, which have been used to turn Lebanese and Palestinian villages into rubble. 12 noon. State Library, cnr Swanston & La Trobe Sts, City. Organised by Students for Palestine.
Rally: Free Cannabis 4/20 Event. Demand that the Victorian government acknowledge that cannabis prohibition is based on prejudice and begins the process of looking towards legalisation. 2pm. Treasury Gardens.
Public meeting: Persecuted in Sri Lanka, Detained in Australia: The plight of Tamil refugees. The Australian government is deporting hundreds Tamil asylum seekers back to Sri Lanka, claiming that they are 'economic migrants'. Australia is also increasing its collaboration with Sri Lankan intelligence and navy to prevent Tamil asylum seekers from leaving Sri Lanka. This forum will expose the truth about the ongoing state-sponsored persecution of Tamils and critics of the Rajapaksa regime. It will also critique Australian refugee policies which have condemned thousands of asylum seekers to imprisonment indefinitely on the mainland and in its offshore prison camps on Nauru and Manus Island. Speakers: Bruce Haigh (former Australian diplomat to Sri Lanka who has spoken out against Australia's complicity in the oppression of the Tamils); Siva Sivakumar (Communication Officer, Australasian Federation of Tamil Associations); Trevor Grant (a coordinator of the Boycott Sri Lanka Cricket Campaign & a member of RAC). 6:30pm. Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth St, City. Hosted by the Refugee Action Collective. For more info visit RAC.
Thursday, March 21
Book launch: The Bracegirdle Incident: How an Australian communist ignited Ceylon's independence struggle. The book by Alan Fewster, with a foreword by Humphrey McQueen, is at once a gripping adventure story and a piece of serious historical research. For the first time, it places an Australian firmly at the heart of Ceylon's independence movement and examines his legacy, which arguably, continues to this day. 6:30pm. New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton. For more info visit NIBS or ph 9662 3744.
Thursday, March 21-Wednesday, March 27
Exhibition: Limbo 24/7: Tales from the cages of detention. A collaborative, interactive installation of film, digital storytelling and live performance that captures the lived experiences of asylum seekers. Created with filmmakers, photographers, storytellers across three generations, musicians and the asylum seeker community. Inspired by recent events and policies affecting asylum seekers and refugees. (Opening night: Thursday March 21, 7pm.) Studio 2, Northcote Town Hall, 189 High St, Northcote. To book visit Limbo or ph 9418 9500.
Friday, March 22
Red Cinema: Pink Saris. 2010 documentary by Kim Longinotto about the Indian feminist 'Gulabi gang' and its inspirational leader Sampat Pal Devi which fights widespread domestic abuse and other violence against women. Run time 96 min. Followed by discussion. 7pm (meal from 6:30pm). Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). $10/$5. Presented by Socialist Alliance & Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Fundraiser: For National Refugee Convergence. See April entry below. 6pm. The Brunswick Hotel, 140 Sydney Road, Brunswick. $20/15. Organised by Melbourne University campus refugee group.
Saturday, March 23
Rally: Defend the Fertility Control Clinic. 9:30am. Fertility Control Clinic, 118 Wellington Pde, East Melbourne.
Festival: FETE la FROG. Celebrating the love and beauty of our radically involved and conscious community. Solar-powered live music and DJs; workshops; markets; art gallery. 10am until 7pm. Northcote Uniting Church, 251 High St, Northcote.
Sunday, March 24
Rally: Save public housing open space from state Liberal privatisation plans. Rally was called at a campaign organising meeting of public housing residents held at the Fitzroy estate that also nominated a delegation of public housing residents to meet with building industry unions seeking their support. Residents will ask building industry unions to support their call for more public housing on vacant government land, not on kids parks! MC: Corinne Grant. 2pm. Atherton Gardens, 125 Napier St, Fitzroy.
Monday, March 25
Concert: Manu Chao. Manu Chao are a amazing politico band who write songs like 'clandestini' about refugees and aysylum seekers. However, their music is also a riot of latino, samba, ska, reggae rythms, a bit of europop and the kitchen sink thrown in for good measure. They use their success to support many radical causes around the world. 8pm. Palace Theatre, 20-30 Bourke St, City. To book visit Ticketek.
Wednesday, March 27
Rally: Our Education is not for profit. TAFE cuts, course cuts, student representation slashed. Our education is under attack in Victoria and we need to fight back or we face further steps back. 3:30pm. State Library, 328 Swanston St, City. Organised by the National Union of Students.
Welcome to Lord Mayor Rob Doyle's & Victoria Police's Apartheid Melbourne. Join us on a walking tour of Apartheid Melbourne and light 1000 candles to commemorate the lives of people who have died under the protection, care and treatment of the Federal and Victorian government, Victorian Police and agents of the state (including church Organizations and non-government community and the homelessness/housing industry. 6:30pm. Queen Victoria Market, 513 Elizabeth St, City. This rally has been organised as part of the campaigns: 'Stop the Privatisation of Public Housing. Protect, Defend and Extend' and the 'Unite, Fight Back and Stop the Privatisation of Public Housing'.
Thursday, March 28-Sunday, March 31
Conference: Marxism 2013: Ideas to challenge the system. Melbourne University. For more info and bookings visit Marxism 2013. Presented by Socialist Alternative. This year the conference is being sponsored by Socialist Alliance and Green Left Weekly who are presenting two workshops: Saturday, March 30, 2pm. Marxism and the ecological revolution & Sunday, March 31, 4pm: Socialists and electoral interventions.
Thursday, March 28
Public meeting: Attack of the theocrats: How the religious right harms us all. Visiting from the United States for the Rationalist Society of Australia, hear Sean Faircloth speak to the issues raised in his book. He argues for returning the US to its secular roots. This is a free event. Bookings are not required. 12:45-1:15pm. The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale St, City. For more info visit Wheeler Centre.
Friday, March 29-Sunday, April 7
Friends of the Earth's Radioactive Exposure Tour to South Australian outback. From Melbourne via Adelaide. For more info ph Gem 0421 955 066, email Radioactive Exposure Tour or visit FoE.
Thursday, April 4
Public meeting: Indigenous Social Justice Association. 6:30pm. Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Saturday, April 6
Fundraiser: Antifascist Benefit for Rocinante. There has been an alarming increase in racist pogroms in Greece over the last several months. These are by organised fascists and the party Golden Dawn has increased in popularity since the austerity measures were introduced. Racists are targeting foreigners as scapegoats for their economic problems. In response to this increase in fascist activity, leftist groups have been organising counter-actions and counter-demonstrations. On September 30, 2012, 15 demonstrators were arrested at such an action and now have legal costs to cover. Funds raised from this concert will be used by Rocinante to help pay for the legal defence of the 15 against the politically motivated charges brought against them. Featuring: ExtinctExist; Faspeedelay; Pretty City; Pope's Assassins; Go Genre Everything. 7pm. Reverence Hotel, 28 Napier Street, Footscray. First band 8pm sharp. $10.
Friday, April 12
Red Cinema: Silenced Voices. Beate Arnestad's 2012 documentary on the repression of journalists by the Rajapaksa regime in Sri Lanka. (Run time 60min) Presented by Socialist Alliance. 7pm (meal from 6:30pm). $10/$5. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). For more info ph 9639 8622.
Book launch: The New Latin American Left: Cracks in the Empire. This provocative, multidisciplinary work explores the dramatic resurgence of the Left in Latin America since the late 1990s. Offering a comprehensive account of the complexities and nuances of the shifting political tides in the region, the book provides both a theoretical framework for assessing the state of the Left and a set of cases highlighting key movements, successes, and failures. 6:30pm. New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton. For more info visit NIBS or ph 9662 3744.
Sunday, April 14
Fundraiser: These Machines Cut Razor Wire 2013. Massive rootsy line-up including Chris Wilson, Charles Jenkins, Les Thomas, Suzannah Espie, The Stillsons (duo), Jed Rowe, Beautiful Change and more to be announced. We'll be raising our voices and much-needed funds for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. 2:30pm (doors open 2pm). The Thornbury Theatre, 859 High St, Thornbury. $25 (children under 12 free). For more info visit The Thornbury Theatre or ph 9484 9831. Bookings Oztix. Presented by Unpaved/Les Thomas/3CR.
Tuesday, April 16
Public meeting: Stop coal seam gas in Victoria. 6:30pm. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). Organised by Socialist Alliance. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Wednesday, April 17
Matt Grantham: Poli-Waffle. Internationally acclaimed comedian Matt Grantham returns to Melbourne following the success of last year's hit show How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb? He gives a non-core promise to deliver more of the same comedy gold in this year’s antidote to political correctness. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly. 7:20pm. Fad Gallery, 14 Corrs Lane, City. $20/$15. Bookings only from Green Left Weekly: call 9639 8622.
Thursday, April 25-Sunday, April 28
Refugee rights national convergence in Northam, WA. Refugee rights groups around the country will be converging on Yongah Hill Detention Centre on the Anzac weekend, 2013, to protest against the mandatory detention of asylum seekers.
Conference: Edufactory, Disassembling the Neoliberal University. The second EduFactory conference is being held on Gadigal country at the University of Sydney over the ANZAC Day long weekend. EduFactory aims to bring together radical education activists from around the country for a weekend of political discussion, skill sharing, and debates on the future of national education activism. This is also an opportunity to organize for the upcoming year's campaigns and develop activist networks. For more info visit Edufactory.
Sunday, May 5
Socialist Alliance May Day Toast: Fight for your rights! 10am. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston st, City (opposite RMIT). Presented by Socialist Alliance & Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Rally: May Day march. 1pm. Trades hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South.
Friday, May 10
Green Left Weekly Comedy Debate 2013: Gina and Clive should run the country! Forget Julia and Tony . . . Gina and Clive (and Twiggy et al) should run the country! After all, they are digging up so much of it! See two teams of comedians grapple with this vexed question and spread enlightenment in all directions. A sparkling night of progressive comedy. 6:30pm (for 8pm start). Coburg Town Hall, 90 Bell St, Coburg. Master of ceremonies: Rod Quantock with Carlo Sands, Claire Sullivan, Matt Grantham, Sean Bedlam; others TBA. Bar and dinner available. Tickets: $40 Solidarity, $25 waged, $12 concession. Bookings essential. For bookings or info visit Comedy Debate or ph 9639 8622. A fundraiser to help keep Green Left Weekly going.
Saturday, May 11
Rally: Equal Love Rally for Marriage Equality. 1pm. State Library, cnr La Trobe & Swanston sts, City.
Saturday, June 29
Green Left Weekly Solidarity Dinner: An evening with Christine Assange. Defending WikiLeaks & defending the free press is the theme of this year's Green Left Weekly solidarity dinner. Our special guest is Christine Assange, who will discuss Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ecuador. Doors open 6:30pmpm. St Brigid's Parish Hall, 378 Nicholson St, Fitzroy North. Tickets (includes meal): $50 solidarity / $30 waged / $20 conc. Bookings essential. For bookings or info visit Wikileaks dinner or ph 9639 8622.

Geelong & regional Victoria

Monday, March 18
Forum: Fukushima two years on. Is nuclear power clean and green? Peter Karamoskos, a nuclear radiologist, and public representative on the Radiation Health Committe of nuclear regulatory body ARPANSA, will speak at an event for Geelong members and supporters, and local medical students and health professionals and interested members of the public. Dr Karamoskos visited the Fukushima area in a 2012 IPPNW medical delegation and has many interesting stories and pictures. He's also very well-versed in the broader issues of nuclear safety. 6:30pm. Kitchener House Auditorium, 685 Ryrie Street Geelong (opposite hospital). Presented by Medical Association for the Prevention of War. For more info email MAPW.
Friday, April 19
Geelong Red Cinema: Croker Island Exodus. Documentary by Steven McGregor. In 1942, at Croker Island, as Japanese bomb the North, 95 Aboriginal children and their missionary carers make a remarkable journey to safety 3000 miles across the Australian continent. Followed by discussion. 7pm (meal from 6:30pm). Trades Hall, 127 Myers St, Geelong. $10/$5. Presented by Socialist Alliance & Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 5222 6900.
Saturday, May 4
Socialist Alliance May Day Dinner: 6pm. Downstairs, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St, Geelong. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 5222 6900.
Gippsland: public meetings
CSG Free community workshops with special guest speaker Annie Kia
Have you ever wondered how you too can have a happy, healthy, CSG Free community? Learn how you can stop this unregulated toxic industry coming into your backyard. For more details contact Chloe 0432 328 107 or Ursula 0499 991 324.
  • Friday, March 22, 7pm. The Korumburra Library Community Meeting Room, Korumburra.
  • Saturday, March 23, 11am. The Hub, Inverloch.
  • Sunday, March 24,.1pm. Delbridge Hall, Sale.
  • Monday, March 25, 7pm. Trafalgar Tech Centre, Trafalgar.

Campaign committees

Beyond Zero Emissions Melbourne branch meetings. BZE's monthly branch meetings are a way for current and prospective BZE volunteers to meet up, get to know each other and discuss upcoming events such as presentations, stalls, film nights and discussion groups. Meets on the third Monday of every month at Level 2, Kindness House, 288 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. Active and prospective volunteers welcome. For more info email Vicky Fysh or ph 0401 087 085.
Friends of the Earth's Anti-Nuclear & Clean Energy (ACE) collective meetings. Wednesdays. FoE office, 312 Smith St, Collingwood. For meeting times & more info email Zin.
Melbourne Feminist Action Group. We think it's time to put women's rights back on the public agenda. We've started an open organising group and everyone's invited, from already existing women's rights groups and activist organisations, to women and men who may never have been involved in feminist action in their lives but just want to do something. We want to get together to have that crucial discussion: what can we do, right now, that will give this movement a push? It's open to everyone; anyone who attends can have their say. If you can make it, bring your ideas about what you would like to see happen next. Meets weekly at Trades Hall. For more info ph 0438 869 790 or emailMelbFemAction.
Quit Coal: No New Coal Power for Victoria. A Melbourne-based collective which campaigns against expansion of the coal industry in Victoria. We believe this is important because building new coal infrastructure locks in decades of dirty, old technology, when we should be moving towards clean, renewable energy. Quit Coal meets each Wednesday at 6pm, at FOE, 312 Smith St, Collingwood. For more info visit Quit Coal or call Shaun 0402 337 077.
Refugee Action Collective (RAC). Established in 2000, RAC is a democratic, grassroots activist collective, representing a broad cross section of the community. It aims to mobilise opposition to Australia's inhuman refugee policies. For more info ph 0413 377 978 or visit RAC.
Victorian Climate Action Calendar. For a comprehensive list of climate action events in our state. The VCAC covers events in Victoria and major events elsewhere and is intended to inform, educate and inspire. To subscribe to the calendar email Monique Decortis. Weekly updates are e-mailed out and online updates are available at VCAC. To add an event to the calendar, please download the Event Template from the website. Feel free to forward the VCAC to other interested people.
Workers Solidarity Network. WSN believes that we, as workers, have the power to improve our working conditions and bring about positive social change. WSN believes that our country is not a real democracy unless we have democratic workplaces where workers have a say. WSN believes that the only way to bring about a fairer share of resources in our society in by forming active unions and community organisations to fight for it. For more info visitWSN.


Recent articles from Green Left Weekly
To subscribe to Green Left Weekly visit our secure online website for rates and payment at Green Left Weeklyor call our national hotline on 1800 634 206. Join us on Facebook. You can also contact us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Geelong: Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.

Broad, non-sectarian, activist
Socialist Alliance
Socialist Alliance is a proud supporter of the Green Left Weekly project and contributes a regular column. Socialist Alliance is a broad, non-sectarian socialist coalition, dedicated to bringing together all those who want to resist the capitalist assault on our planet and its people and fight for a socialist society that puts people's needs before business profits. Anyone who agrees with the general approach of our policies is welcome to join and organisations are invited to affiliate. For more information visit Socialist Alliance Victoria. Join us onFacebook. See our recent statements:
Get involved
Moreland Socialists
The group is open to anyone (even if you live outside the area) who wants to work constructively to support Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton and use her position to build up a stronger activist left presence in Moreland. In general, we meet monthly and alternate between Coburg and Fawkner. If you want to get involved in the group, email us at Socialist Alliance or phone Sue on 9639 8622 or 0413 377 978.
Contact Socialist Alliance. Join with other socialists in the struggle. Melbourne: Visit us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Melbourne, Socialist Alliance meets on the first Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm, at the Resistance Centre. Geelong: Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4:30pm, Fri 10am-4:30pm); ph 5222 6900.

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