Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Rise Up Australia Party and Danny Nalliah : people of vision but is it a vision Australians want?

Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 8:59 AM
Subject: Media Release: Rise Up Australia Party Launch on 11th Feb 2013 at National Press Club in Canberra

General Immediate Media Release – 4thFebruary 2013 (10:00hrs)

Rise Up Australia Party Launch on 11th Feb 2013 at National Press Club in Canberra
It is with great excitement that we take this opportunity to announce the official launch of Rise Up Australia Party at the National Press Club in Canberra on 11th Feb 2013 at 11am.
The key note speech will be delivered by Rise Up Australia Party National President Daniel Nalliah who will speak on the vision of RUA Party, the importance of protecting Australia’s Judeo-Christian heritage and taking a stand against political correctness to “Keep Australia Australian”.
The guest speaker is Lord Christopher Monckton, from the Lord Monckton Foundation. He is a British Peer, UK Independence Party political candidate and has been a Conservative Party political advisor.
Mr Nalliah stated, “We must now take a stand for our nation or our children and grandchildren will pay a heavy price to re-take what we have lost. We cannot and must not miss this opportunity. The 2013 federal election is an opportunity we cannot miss as the people have lost hope in our politicians in Canberra. We can bring back hope, get rid of dishonest politicians and be the voice of the people in parliament”.
We welcome all patriotic Australians to bring their Australian flags and to show their support to “Keep Australia Australian”. 
Mr Nalliah has been recently speaking to enthusiastic crowds at meetings in many cities in VIC, NSW, QLD, WA, TAS, ACT and will be soon at the official party launch at the National Press Club in Canberra on 11th Feb to Keep Australia Australian.

MEDIA INQUIRIES Telephone: Daniel Nalliah on (03) 9708 6691 or Media Contact: 0403 019 310

Facebook: Rise Up Australia Party


Daniel Nalliah is a prominent human rights advocate and law reformer. Mr Nalliahwas instrumental in securing a Royal Decree from the King of Saudi Arabia so that Arab Christians and other non-Muslims could practise their religion in their own homes free from the risk of arrest, imprisonment or possible beheading. In 1998 Mr Nalliah convinced the US Congress and the Clinton Administration to pass the US Freedom from Religious Persecution Act. In 2007 Mr Nalliah won a celebrated legal battle with the Islamic Council of Victoria for freedom of speech and the right to criticise parts of the Koran which promote hate and religious intolerance.

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