Wednesday 13 February 2013

Neighbour, neighbour - let's share the 'hood

Call out for The Neighbour Project (Melbourne Sharehooders only)

Could your neighbourhood do with a community composting hub? What about curb-side edible street gardens? A car-pool or car-share system? An organic food co-op? Or maybe a baby-sitting co-op? Or have you got another idea in mind?

The Sharehood is trying something new this year, and we hope you'll join us. We're keen to put our experienced community facilitators to work by helping one neighbourhood somewhere, anywhere, in Melbourne to make their dreams come true*.

Sharehood participants can nominate their own neighbourhood as the location for The Sharehood’s exciting and innovative Neighbour Project by following the link below.

What we'll do

The Sharehood will facilitate fun and creative community conversations to help residents in your neighbourhood identify what could be done together to make your neighbourhood a happier, healthier and more sustainable place to live. And then we'll work together to get the project rolling. Simple, really.

What you'll do

To make this project work, we need a pledge from at least one (but the more the better) enthusiastic resident to do a letterbox drop so we can connect with other residents in the neighbourhood. We do also hope you’ll remain engaged and active throughout the project.

If you're interested in having The Sharehood come to you, click on this link beforeMarch 10 and write some short answers to some short questions to paint us a picture of your neighbourhood.

The location of The Neighbour Project will be announced on March 15.

If you have any questions, feel free to email or phone Asha on 0468 794 235.

*within reason

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