Wednesday 27 February 2013

Australia in the Asian Century? with Professor Joseph Camilleri

This information has come via Dale Hess:

This year Professor Joseph Camilleri is offering a new and exciting professional development course Australia in the Asian Century?
The course addresses the unprecedented transformation occurring within Asia, and its implications for Australia and the world. It explores the economic, cultural, political and historical significance of the Asian Century, providing participants with the knowledge and depth of understanding they need to navigate this unique moment of immense challenge and opportunity.
The course will run over ten (10) consecutive Wednesday evenings from 1 May to 3 July 2013 in the beautiful complex provided us by St Michael’s in Collins Street. It is designed for those working in business, government, education, media, the professions, and community organisations. It will be of interest to anyone wanting to know more about Asia’s transformation – its economies and cultures, its political systems and business environments. Professor Camilleri will be assisted by an experienced team of educators and joined by prominent guest experts, including former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser and former Foreign Minister Gareth Evans.
Attached is the course brochure giving full details of the course.
We would like to invite you to apply to participate in Australia in the Asian Century?. Course online applications are now open and can be found at
Applications close on April 18 2013.
For any further information, please visit or email
Please pass on this information to all those among your contacts or networks who may be interested to hear of this significant initiative.
With best wishes.
On behalf of the Centre for Dialogue
and the other sponsoring organisations

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