Monday 10 September 2012

Two Quakers in a Sunday search of sustainability : worm septic system and the never-watered fruit and veges

Yesterday was Sustainable House Day.  There were lots of marvellous choices across the country - but I selected one.  Elderblogger syndrome once again.  Experience has shown I must not try to fit too much into the schedule.  When I went over the list, it seemed to me that in some entries there was an emphasis on the house with little or nothing offered in the way of an interesting garden.  I was more interested in what might be going on out-of-doors and I chose accordingly.  My destination turned out to be in a quite isolated location whose nearest settlement is the village of Napoleons.  

I set off with my F/friend Ruth after Quaker Meeting for Worship.  I checked Google Maps for location and directions before leaving and set off with the written details ... and finished up being unable to complete the directions because a tree was down across the road.  Another vehicle came along - another Google person.  So that made two vehicles heading for the same sustainable house.  Then there was movement on the other side of the fallen tree. This was a GPS victim. They had been to the sustainable house and thought they were returning the way they had come ... but not so.  

Eventually, Ruth and I made it to our destination in the hills surrounded by forest.

There were two things that were of particular interest ...

... the worm farm septic system .... 

... and the fully enclosed orchard including vegetable gardens .... which the chooks forage. 
Their three sided chook shed is at the rear of the orchard.

These are pictures of the vege garden
which is not enclosed with the orchard.

 Peter and Christine never ever water
the orchard and the vege gardens.
The septic system is one huge worm farm.
When the tanks reach a certain level,
approximately twice a day dependent upon usage,
a pump comes on and the tank contents
are pumped up automatically into trenches below
the fruit trees in the orchard.

Ruth and I had a wonderful and intrepid day out.
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