Monday 10 September 2012

Successful rally in Ballarat last week : on with the campaign at the Ballarat Save TAFE community committee to-night

Life gets somewhat full and we Elderbloggers don't always have the quickest of bounce backs when a few things make it into the weekly schedule.  This is a huge contrast to my midlife.  I packed so many things into my life I get tired just remembering it - full time job, husband + three kids, tertiary studies, extensive community and church commitments, and a budding political career.

So this is a brief report back on our Ballarat rally to Save TAFE last Thursday.  I did do facebook and twitter on Friday and then couldn't keep up.  Below are some links to give you a good coverage.

You can find a slideshow of visuals of what we got up to at the Mount Helen campus of the University of Ballarat here.

BTW, if you want to become really involved in the campaign, please turn up this afternoon to Trades Hall in Ballarat for the 5.30pm meeting of the Ballarat Save TAFE Committee.  This is a community based committee drawing on a broad demographic and a wide range of skills.

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