Saturday 18 August 2012

Tony takes on Tony - Windsor and Abbott - not letting Abbott off the hook

17 August 2012 
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English: Crop of original picture of Tony Abbo...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Miss Eagle wonders if people have been storing up ammunition in the back sheds of their minds.  I think of the times, countless times, Tony Abbott has gone unchallenged, uncritiqued by the media.  His arrogance and boorishness has appeared to go unchallenged by those with the loudest and most influential voices.  At last the drought appears to have broken.  The ammunition has been loaded from the back sheds and people are firing. (Pardon the mixed-up metaphors.) Please follow the link to The Monthly above for more.

There has been a distinct step up in criticism of Tony Abbott this week. Following Laura Tingle last Friday, there have been strongly worded articles by Tim Colebatch, Dennis Atkins, Mark Latham and Barrie Cassidy, amongst others.

Cassidy notes that 'the media' rarely pull Abbott up for his inconsistencies, and have generally failed to hold him to account in the way they have previous Opposition leaders. It is widely agreed he has been on shaky ground when talking about anything other than the carbon tax or boat people. And the carbon tax attacks are undoubtedly wearing thin, especially to Tony Windsor. He launched this enthusiastic attack on Abbott in Parliament yesterday.

 Notably, the News Limited newspapers have so far refrained from the full-scale critiques of Abbott's performance. As long as this continues, the other criticisms are unlikely to faze Abbott's Opposition colleagues. And support for Abbott has come from an unlikely source this morning. Courtesy of Fairfax and Spectator Australia comes the most unintentionally funny piece of political commentary of recent months, by the infamous Godwin Grech

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