Saturday 25 August 2012

Queensland's four pillar economic policy and non-prescriptive requirements and processes

As I was writing my last post, Denis - a regular contributor and old friend of The Network - sent me this email.  Just so pertinent!  Governments of all colours and ethnicities like to let the corporate sector know that they are "open for business".  However, if Networkers read the main story of the previous post AND follow and read the links included in the post, the consequences of bending over for business takes on Luciferian proportions.  Nigeria was open for business ... and look what happened there.  Australia is declaring marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef but what will this mean in reality and will it control whatever dreams international corporations want to make real?  Tony Abbott criticises roundly the marine reserves decision.  So here's Denis's email to me. For people who aren't familiar with Australian governments, Campbell Newman is the Liberal National (conservative) Premier of Queensland.  The LibNats have come to power only recently in Queensland after many years in opposition.
Hi Brigid

I sent this to my friend in Canada as he was quoting Mr Harper, and it all sounded very familiar.....


The Newman Government today unveiled a new planning policy to unlock the full potential of the state's four pillar economic policy.

The Deputy Premier and the Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the new Planning for Prosperity policy was an important move to restoring Queensland's economic fortunes.

"Planning policies and regulation are key factors in future growth, development and economic prosperity," Mr Seeney said.

Mr Seeney said the Planning for Prosperity policy would provide a clear statement of the position of the Government on the importance of agriculture, construction, mining and tourism to Queensland and how they must be considered in the planning process.

"This is Queensland's first positive, enabling planning policy in recent times, which will ensure economic growth that is not adversely affected by planning processes," he said.

"In essence it will ensure that state agencies and councils must ensure that economic development considerations are a fundamental planning consideration in this state.

"Its aim is to speed - not impede - development.

"This policy position has not previously been made clear in the state planning system which, under the previous Government, was more about process than outcomes."

Mr Seeney said this will provide greater focus for councils to approve developments that will produce positive economic gains.

"The policy also reinforces the Newman Government's commitments to ensuring planning regulations do not add un-necessary costs to development, eliminate gold plating of infrastructure and encourages innovative solutions to facilitate development," he said.

"This is a simple policy not weighed down by processes or prescriptive requirements."

Temporary State Planning Policy will be gazetted and come into effect tomorrow.

This policy will be in effect for 12 months and form the basis for a new State Planning Policy which will be released for public comment in October and should be adopted early next year.

Mr Seeney said it will replace the current batch of policies that have been developed in an ad hoc manner over the past twenty years.

"This is a key stride in this government's determination to ensure that Queensland is again open for business - it will facilitate growth, development and economic activity," he said.

He has now come back with this comment:

Ah yes, the old "open for business" line. H used that one too. Ad nauseum, actually.
"Closed for decent living" is more like it.
Okay, so who copied whose policy, or did international big business get both to do it at the same time?

Denis Wilson
If you're not pissed off with the World, you're just not paying attention.
(Kasey Chambers)

"The Nature of Robertson"

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1 comment:

  1. Talk about synchronicity, this article by Adele Horin, her last for The Herald, was on the Twitter feed of your Blog.
    A MUST READ article:
    Check her comments on Mike Smith's Salary, and his view on the Dole;
    The chief executive officer of ANZ bank, Mike Smith, whose annual salary converts to about $27,400 a day, thinks people on unemployment benefits of $34 a day get too much.


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