Wednesday 8 August 2012

Quakers are quirky ... with advice and a question

Stuck for a bit of practical wisdom to get like into perspective.
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) just might have something for you.
Quakers, by and large, don't tell others what to think and believe.
They don't have creeds.
Things are pretty much summed up in their Testimonies -
Peace, Earthcare, Simplicity etc - and Advices and Queries.

A&Q can be flicked through.
A&Q can be used as a basis for meditation.
A&Q can be the beginning of whole new way 
of looking at the world.

Quaker Meeting House, Crawshawbooth, Rossendale
Quaker Meeting House, Crawshawbooth, Rossendale (Photo credit: mrrobertwade (wadey))

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