Monday 6 August 2012

Dale Hess Calendar 2012-08-06

Tuesday 7 August, 4.30 pm – 6.30 pm: Afghanistan War Vigil. Is Australia withdrawing from the Afghanistan war? It seems clear that our military involvement is looking at continuing for quite some time yet. So let's keep the message strong: Stop the war. When we mean withdraw, we really mean withdraw. Venue: steps of Flinders Street Railway Station.

Thursday 9 August, 6 pm for tea and coffee: then 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm:  Workshop: nuclear risks of Australia's US bases. This workshop follows the successful public meeting held in June, and marks Nagasaki Day, the anniversary of the second atomic bombing of Japan.Speakers: Professor Richard Tanter (who spoke at that meeting) will discuss in more detail the possible links between Australia's US bases and shared facilities, and nuclear weapons. Richard is one of Australia's leading experts on this topic; Dimity Hawkins is an anti-nuclear campaigner who has written extensively on international treaties designed to rid the world of nuclear weapons. She will discuss how our growing links with the US military fits with our international obligations to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. There'll be time for questions, and discussion of how to share this information. Venue: Meeting Room 1, Trades Hall (enter from 54 Victoria Street). Organised by MAPW with other members of the Victorian network opposing US bases. Queries: email or call MAPW on 0431 475 465.


Monday 20 August – Friday 14 September: Walking for Country. Walkatjurra Walkabout is a pilgrimage across Wangkatja country in the spirit of our ancestors so together, we as present custodians, can protect our land and our culture for future generations. Walking for Country is to reconnect people with land and culture. My people have resisted destructive mining on our land and our sacred sites for generations. For over forty years we have fought to stop uranium mining at Yeelirrie, we stopped the removal of sacred stones from Weebo and for the last twenty years we have stoped destruction of 200 sites at Yakabindie. We are not opposed to responsible development, but cannot stand wanton destruction of our land, our culture, and our environment. We invite all people, from all places, to come together to walk with us, to send a clear message that we want the environment here, and our sacred places left alone.  Kado Muir, Traditional Owner, Yeelirrie. This walk will be lead by the Walkatjurra Rangers, in partnership with Footprints for Peace, Western Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (WANFA), the Anti Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (ANAWA) and the Conservation Council of Western Australia (CCWA).  ALL WELCOME to JOIN for an hour, a day, a few weeks or the whole way. Email: Phone: 0421 816 846 (Laura). Website:  [Position open for Publicity and Communications Intern to work with the Organising Committee in all matters related to media and publicity.  The Intern would be responsible for liaising with all media in the lead up, duration and immediate period following the upcoming event Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country.  Any inquiries, 0421 816 846 (Laura)].

Friday 31 August, 7.30 pm: Peace with People, Peace with our Planet A Franciscan Perspective. Joe Rozansky OFM is the head of the OFM Secretariat for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation which co-ordinates and animates the international Franciscan activities for justice and peace. He led the Franciscan delegation at the Rio +20 UN Summit on Sustainable Development this year. Joe is a friar of the Holy Name Province of New York and has worked with the landless of Minais GeraisBrazil. Joe is interested in meeting people involved and interested in peace, social justice and environmental movements in Australia. Hosted by Holy Spirit Province( & Social Policy Connections ( Social Policy Connections, Yarra Theological Union - Study Centre, 34 Bedford Street, Box Hill. For further information please contact the Franciscan JPIC Office. 02 9369 9309 or

Tuesday 4 September – Sunday 9 September: Environmental Film Festival. Kino Cinema, 45 Collins StreetMelbourne Victoria 3000. See website for details:

Sunday 16 September, 2 pm – 5 pm: Forum on Syria: What’s Going On? Who is Involved? What Can We Do?  Principal Speaker: Dr Fiona Hill, owner/manager Almanar Consultancy. Dr Fiona Hill is a pioneering culture-in-commerce mediator, communicator, and strategic thinker for the Arab region, and President, Friends of Syria/Australia. Venue: Centre for Theology and Ministry, 29 College Crescent (between Ormond College and St Hilda’s College, Parkville 3052. Sponsored by Pax Christi.  For further information, email:

Sunday 23 September – Thursday 27 September: Swan Island Peace Convergence 2012.There is no end for this war in sight, and many of us feel powerless to stop it. Join us in Queenscliff,Victoria, for a week of learning about and nonviolently resisting the war: nonviolence training, community engagement, peace vigils, blockade the bridge to Swan Island military base where the SAS troops are trained for active combat in Afghanistan. Further info:

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